9/28A – Day BOP: Take out Cell Town Activity HMWK: 1.Cell Town Analogy – due Wed 9/30 OBJECTIVE Examine the structures and functions of plant and animal cells
9/29B – Day BOP: Take out Cell Town Activity HMWK: 1.Cell Town Analogy – due Wed 9/30 OBJECTIVE Examine the structures and functions of plant and animal cells
9/30A – Day BOP: Turn Cell Town Activity Set-up for MESSY lab HMWK: 1.Complete Pre-Lab Definitions OBJECTIVE Observe diffusion and osmosis through a semi- permeable membrane
10/1B – Day BOP: Clear Table Get ready to earn a FREE trip! HMWK: 1.Calendar Sales Friends Family Teachers Neighbors You Know! OBJECTIVE Frost Valley Fundraising Kick-Off! New Fun Calendar Format! $10/each New Fun Calendar Format! $10/each
10/2A – Day BOP: Take our Egg Lab Set-up for MESSY lab HMWK: 1.Cell Transport Nobel Prize Article OBJECTIVE Observe diffusion and osmosis through a semi- permeable membrane