Egg Osmosis Experiment Philip Atienza 8-73
Purpose To observe osmosis in a cell (by “a cell” we mean eggs) Steps: 1)place eggs in vinegar ,to remove shell 2)Measure weight of egg with a balance/scale 3)Measure size of egg with measuring tape 4)Place one egg in water and the other in vinegar 5)Weigh and measure eggs again
Hypothesis Water egg hypothesis- the egg would grow in weight and size. Corn syrup egg hypothesis- that the egg would shrink in size and weight turn brown.
Materials 1) Two eggs 2) Two beaker 3) One balance 4) One string 5) One tape measure 6) One cup corn syrup 7) One cup vinegar 8) One cup water
Observations Water egg : After the egg went in vinegar it was slimy After the egg went in the water the egg grew Corn syrup egg: After the egg went In the corn syrup it turned Brown Shrunk
Observations (2)
conclusion My hypothesis for the water egg was right I guessed it would grow and it did My hypothesis for the corn syrup egg was also right I guessed it would shrink and turn brown and it did
Conclusion (2) Corn syrup egg: The corn syrup egg turned small because the egg had a higher concentration of water than the corn syrup. The water from the egg traveled through the dissolved shell into the corn syrup. The egg turned brown because some of the corn syrup went into the egg changing its color.
The water egg: The water egg got bigger through osmosis because it had a lower concentration of water than the water . Some of the water left the water and went in to the egg enlarging its mass. So the water travelled through the dissolved shell by osmosis making the egg bigger.