Putting First Things First Work First, Then Play
Prioritizing!!!! Examples: ◦ A) Homework- Pick a time and place to do your work at home. AT times, do the hardest first. Don’t put things off! Place tests and Data Folder out on table to be signed right when you begin homework.
Prioritizing !!!! ◦ B) School - Organize your backpack every morning and afternoon, so you have all materials you need for the day. Don’t put things off! Remember due dates and get work done before it is due.
Prioritizing!!!! C)Lunch- Eat before talking and stop talking 3 mins before the end of lunch. D) Specials- Get materials needed first.
Organization Classroom Items _____ Tissues Clorox Wipes Headphones (labeled with student and teacher names in Ziploc bags)
Organization Organization of Binder _____ Looseleaf paper Data Folder (clipped in binder) Assignment book (must be filled out daily)
Organization __ Organization of Pencil Case ____ 3-4 Pencils Highlighters 2-3 Erasers Pens (red/green for correcting) Sharpies Flash Drive ***Keep extra materials at home to replenish as needed.***
Organization Organization of Materials ______ Yellow Folders – Keep 1, pass in 2 Red Folders – Keep 1, pass in 2 Blue Folders – Keep 1, pass in 2 Parent Communication Folder (provided) Stickies – collected (write name on back) Rulers – collected (write name on back)
Organization Organization of Materials ___ Index cards (collected from boys) Keep book-socks in backpack. Keep 5-subject notebook for writing.
Organization In Art Supply Bag Glue Scissors Colored Pencils Markers