Master Teacher Project Appalachian Math Science Partnership August 28, 2009 We will begin at 9:01
Group Norms Place cell phones on silent or vibrate Come prepared for each meeting Listen actively as others are speaking Avoid sidebar conversations Respect and solicit opinions Rule of 2 feet
Roadmap for Today Assessment: Learning Targets Metacognition Strategies Math and Science Breakouts Community Building To Help and Not Hinder
How about a new name
What’s My Number? Ask yes/no questions in order to help you identify your unknown number. You may only ask 1 question PER person at a time. After you ask a question, record the question and answer. Once you have identified your number, please have a seat.
Time to Reflect
Metacognition Learning Targets: –I can explain how metacognition improves student understanding. –I can plan metacognitive experiences and select an appropriate strategy.
Planning: First 5 Strategies Stem Statements Inking Your Thinking Film Footage Fat and Skinny Questions Roll the Dice
We must ask where we are and wither we are tending. Abraham Lincoln
Time to Reflect
Assessment For Learning Learning Targets: –I can describe the purpose of learning targets. –I can deconstruct standards into learning targets.
Learning/Achievement Targets are….. …Statements of what we want students to learn and be able to do.
First, Let’s Reflect Discuss at your table: –How did you use learning targets in your first unit this year? –How did your students react to targets? –Do you feel that the use of learning targets improved the learning of your students? Why or why not?
Educators & Students must be able to answer…… Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap? How will I know I’m getting there? How can I keep it going?
Learning Targets Knowledge Reasoning Performance/ skills Products
Getting Some Practice Working with a partner, examine the content statement you have been given. Deconstruct the statement into the learning targets necessary to achieve that standard.
Time to Reflect
To Help and Not Hinder Learning Target –I can describe the 4 components for developing effective teacher leaders.
For September Read “How to Talk So Teachers Listen” on page 30. As you read, mark the following: * For key points ! Invoked a strong reaction ? You may have a question about
Time to Reflect
Move to Break Out Sessions!