What is gratitude? What can gratitude do for you? Spartan Theme of the Month for November College Prep Period Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Gratitude
What is Gratitude? Gratitude is having an attitude of being thankful. Gratitude is being ready to show appreciation. Gratitude is responding to kindness with kindness. Gratitude is seeing the positive and being glad for it.
It is each one of us deciding to take control of our attitudes in a positive way. Gratitude is a Choice!
Gratitude – A Better Choice Gratitude puts things into perspective – you start to see the positive instead of just the negative.
Gratitude – A Better Choice Gratitude helps us realize what we have. This can lessen our need for always wanting more all the time.
What Can Gratitude Do For Me? Helps us see the bigger picture. Sometimes we gets too focused on one negative detail. Helps us appreciate the small things in life.
What Can Gratitude Do For Me? Research shows that an attitude of gratitude helps… Strengthen relationships Improve health Reduce stress Make us happier people
What are you grateful for? Watch this video!
Start With Baby-steps Give Someone a Genuine Compliment Compliments… Make people feel noticed and Valued Make people feel more connected Build trust Encourage conversation
Showing Gratitude Who are you thankful for? Give at least 1 genuine compliment a day to that someone for what they do.
Watch this video! What are Lathrop Spartans grateful for? You can find the link at &v=GnC6VNRmovk What are Lathrop Spartans grateful for? &v=GnC6VNRmovk
Your turn! Teachers will pass out leaves to students. Write in the leaf what you are grateful for. Cut out the leaf and hand it back to your teacher before you go! Your class/teacher can use these leaves to decorate their door or a wall to show your spirit. Use your creativity to decorate. It’s your TEAM effort that makes the project meaningful! GO SPARTANS!
Movie Night Survey We will be having our FIRST movie night on Friday, December 4 th, 2015 You will need 5 PRIDE tickets to get in! What movie do you want to watch? C9P This link is available at >> Resources >> College Prep Lessons >> Gratitude PPTwww.sausd.us/lathrop