Tracking Local Housing Markets with Government and Other Free Data Andrew Leventis Senior Economist Office of Policy Analysis and Research OFHEO / FHFA September 2008 DISCLAIMERS: The views expressed in this research are those of the author and do not represent the policies or positions of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) or other officers, agencies or instrumentalities of the United States Government.
General Comments on Tracking Home Values Data sources are evolving rapidly with growing demand Data sources are evolving rapidly with growing demand Price indexes and price levels (e.g., means/medians) are available, not always from the same sources. Price indexes and price levels (e.g., means/medians) are available, not always from the same sources. Focus is frequently on transaction prices, although other “value” information available. Focus is frequently on transaction prices, although other “value” information available. Appraisal Data Appraisal Data Self-Report Self-Report
General Comments on Tracking Home Values The attached grid reports availability of regularly-updated house price statistics. The incomplete table does not catalog generic resources that can provide infrequently updated snapshots of value (e.g., the ACS) The attached grid reports availability of regularly-updated house price statistics. The incomplete table does not catalog generic resources that can provide infrequently updated snapshots of value (e.g., the ACS)