a big discharge of static electricity a build up of electrical charges Types of Lightning Heat Lightning Dry lightning Upper-atmospheric lightning 2 What is Lightning?
It rains heavily Fierce winds can blow things down Tornados can strike 3 Lightning Storm!
A device Changes voltage Hung up on power lines Cylinder or cubical shaped 4 What is a Transformer?
When transformers get struck by powerful lightning Causes fires Causes blackout No good water Financial loses 5 Transformer Explosions
Too hot Too powerful Overloaded 6 Why Transformers Explode?
Lights go out No food No heat or air conditioner No filters No Light for pets 7 What Happens when a Blackout is Caused
Plug a 8 How to generate light for pets
Cover with lightning rods Burry transformer Dislocate lightning 9 Solutions for Transformer Explosions
Lighting has 800,000 volts Otto Blathy invented transformers The study of lightning is called Fulminology 10 Fun Facts