Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Air Show Briefing
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Welcome and Introductions –Sun ‘n Fun Officials –Air Operations Chairman –Air Boss –FAA Monitor –Special Guests
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Time Hack Weather Briefing and Outlook –St. Petersburg AFSS Waiver and Special Provisions –Read and Signed –Tech Inspections Complete
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Emergency Procedures –Communications Failure –Inflight Emergencies –Ground Emergencies –Alternate Airfields
Recall –Incident Access (Crew Only)
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Frequencies –126.4 Primary –135.9 Secondary – Discrete/Air to Air/Self Narration Field Elevation - 142’ AMSL –Set Altimeters to Zero –Density Altitude
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Airshow Layout –Show Lines –Spectator Areas –Aerobatic Limitations/Camping Areas –Ground Based Pyro –Altitudes –Parking/Starting Areas –Radio Check
500 Announcer Control Pt Performers’ Tent CFR Refuel
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Performer Support –Fuel and Smoke Oil –Starters –Glory Rides –Performer, Crew and Guest Tent –Announcer –Hangar
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Schedule Review
Sun ‘n Fun 2004 Questions/Comments?