September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E Team Leader Science Computing Facility New Browse Images Current Science Software Science Software Updates DOI’s and ISO Lineage Metadata End of Mission Schedule
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer New Browses –24 bit images –Developed by the SIPS –Reviewed by TLSCF, NSIDC –Flag values now more visible –Expanded color bars –Producing kml & png for future use –NSIDC jpg available on the web
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer
L2A Brightness Temperatures V11 –January 2011 Updates to accommodate Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) processing –Last algorithm updates Version V10, April 2009 Compute a checksum from Latitudes, Longitudes, and Tb's, attach it to the L2A file as a global attribute, and report it in the QA file. This aids in corrupted file recognition. RSS added the glint angles of the DirecTV 10 and 11 satellites to the Geostationary_Satellite_Glint_Angles field. Current Science Software
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer L2B Ocean V07 –July 2010 Updates to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm updates Version V05, April 2007 Improved beamfilling correction to account for different footprint sizes of different frequencies Include a new expression for the rain column height that yields more accurate rain flags (the third byte of the Ocean_products_quality_flag), which identify the proximity and intensity of rain; useful for quality assessment of SST and wind speed (the meanings of the flags have not changed) Current Science Software
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L2B Land V10 –July 2010 Updates to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm update Version B03, June 2005 Minor modification to the soil moisture QC L2B Rain V11 –July 2010 Updates to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm update Version B06, June 2005 Improve low coastal rain rates
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L3 Ocean V05 –July 2010 Updates to metadata to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm updates Version V04, May 2010 RIF Filtering –DirecTV; this affects the United States west coast and the Caribbean Islands –Atlantic Bird 4 in the Mediterranean Sea –Ascension Islands and in the Gulf of Aden –Update RFI filter for Hotbird/Astra Update Aral Sea filters Include the RFI angle grid in the product
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L3 Land V07 –July 2010 Updates to metadata to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm update Version B03, May 2005 Correct grid projection parameters
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L3 Snow V10 –August 2010 Updates to metadata to accommodate LANCE processing –Last algorithm update Version B05, November 2005 Update the forest cover ancillary files. Two MODIS products are now used to help correct for forest attenuation. The daily product retrievals are now performed on the AMSR-E individual Tb samples which are then averaged to the EASE-Grid 25x25 km northern and southern hemisphere projection grid. Retrievals are calibrated for snow depth with a snow density climatology file used to convert snow depth to snow water equivalent.
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L3 Rain V07 –April 2011 Improved quality check on input data date –Last algorithm update V06, April 2008 Skip duplicate (overlapping) scans in consecutive L2A files Improve L2A Brightness Temperature binning for monthly ocean grids Update the leap second ancillary file to include the leap second which occurred at the end of 2005
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software L3 Sea Ice V14 –July 2012 Update Southern Hemisphere sea ice mask ancillary files using National Ice Center (NIC) data from June 2011 Mask provided by NSIDC The shoreline was developed from ENVISAT and RADARSAT imagery from OCT 2009 until APR The majority of the imagery analysis between FEB MAR2010.
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer White: land in old and new Gray: ocean in old and new Red: land in old, ocean in new Blue: ocean in old, land in new 6.25 km Sea Ice Product Land / Ocean Mask file update Current Science Software
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer L3 Sea Ice Drift B03 –Polar Stereographic grids containing speed and direction for each hemisphere –Derived from AMSR-E 89 GHz 6.25 km resolution Tb’s –Uses the 6.25 km and 12.5 km AMSR-E sea ice products as input –Uses a 5 day window –Browse created during product generation New Requirement: Java Current Science Software
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Current Science Software
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Algorithm Updates L2A Tb’s –RSS latest version –Delivery expected Oct 2012 L2 Ocean –Expect update based on new L2A –Significant changes ? L2 Rain –Extensive update to GPROF –Format change –Will include the ocean research products as part of the output file available at NSIDC
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Algorithm Updates L3 Sea Ice Drift –Revisions to the browse image and code cleanup –TLSCF will make revisions, with final approval by algorithm team –Format change to include an image in the product file L2 & L3 Land –Significant updates to algorithm L3 Sea Ice –Updates expected based on new L2A ?
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Algorithm Updates L3 Snow –Algorithm updates –Inclusion of SWE research product as part of the output file available at NSIDC once it is peer reviewed
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Digital Object Identifiers A character string used to uniquely identify a specific AMSR-E product collection Metadata about the collection is stored in association with the DOI The DOI is permanent, but the metadata for it can be updated as needed
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Digital Object Identifiers Example for the L2A : /AQUA/AMSR–E/DATA201 –Product Title: AMSR-E/Aqua L2A Global Swath Spatially- Resampled Brightness Temperatures (Tb) V003 –Creator: Wentz, Frank –Publication year: 2012 –URL: * The version in the product title is the ESDT collection version, not the algorithm version.
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer ISO Lineage Metadata Includes algorithm information, processing history, input data Data Preservation Requirements from ESDIS (Specification doc from Rama and John Moses; Helen to discuss further) Current push toward ISO-compliant metadata for NASA ES data Incorporating results from NASA-sponsored provenance project HOW?
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer ISO Lineage Metadata TLSCF, NSIDC, and SIPS defining content TLSCF adding lineage metadata to all products –Software developed by SIPS and TLSCF –Using template supplied by SIPS –PGE integration at the TLSCF –Software available as part of the DAP SIPS harvesting lineage metadata for provenance browser NSIDC incorporating lineage information into collection level metadata
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Oct Dec 2012: New L2A version –RSS delivers to DAP and TB files –TLSCF ECS metadata ISO Lineage metadata Documentation and DAP Delivers DAP to SIPS for processing Mar 2013: Products review by Science Team –At least 1 year of all products reprocessed using new L2A End of Mission Schedule
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Jun 2013: Algorithm status from scientists –For those algorithms with no changes, TLSCF updates ECS metadata, ISO Lineage metadata, documentation and DAP Sep 2013: Algorithm updates due to TLSCF –TLSCF updates ECS metadata –ISO Lineage metadata –Documentation and DAP –I&T End of Mission Schedule
September 11-12, 2012Dawn Conway, AMSR-E TLSCF Lead Software Engineer Jan 2014: Data reprocessing begins –Science review of updated algorithms –Available to the public Final updates / bug fixes will be made based on algorithm team and public review prior to end of mission final reprocessing End of Mission Schedule