+ National English Honors Society GENERAL INFORMATION MEETING Monroe Township High School Welcome!
+ Today’s Agenda Overview of NEHS Brainstorming session for club activities
+ About the NEHS National English Honors Society For high school students of high achievement in language, literature, and writing Founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Tau Delta: National English honor society for college students Motto: “Gelast Sceal Mid Are” Old English for “Duty goes with honor.” Core goals: Service to fellow students, school, and community Foster excellence in the English curriculum Promote interest in English, literature, and the humanities
+ Purpose of NEHS Recognize on the national level those who, on the basis of academic grades and performance, merit special note for past and current accomplishments Nurture these persons in such ways that they are encouraged to develop further in their abilities in the various fields of English Encourage members to use their talents in service of others Promote literacy and lifelong love of literature
+ Basic Structure of an NEHS Chapter Chapter Advisors (3) English Department Faculty Members Mr. Byrnes, Mrs. DeMarco, and Mrs. Ruotolo Chapter Student Officers PresidentSecretaryHistorian Vice PresidentActivities Tutor Coordinator TreasurerPublic Relations Faculty Advisory Council Chapter Advisors One Chapter Officer identified by Advisors
+ Eligibility Requirements Sophomores and junior honors students enrolled at MTHS for at least one year Academic accomplishment in English and English-related courses, as well as overall academic accomplishment. Maintain mastery (90) average in each English class offered through the English Department for each academic year (includes electives) Application process requiring proof of genuine interest, leadership, quality involvement, consistent contribution, dutiful service, and exemplary character Selection of membership is by Faculty Advisory Council Based on academic accomplishment English and English-related courses Teacher and Vice Principal recommendation letters NEHS Student Officers will be elected through an application and interview process
+ Benefits of Membership Opportunities for sharing ideas and expertise Involvement in English activities beyond the classroom Book drives Guest speakers Read-a-thons Poetry slams Community outreach Other schools, library, retirement communities Leadership skills Community awareness Scholarship eligibility National recognition
+ Timeline Enlist 30 interested students Create a proposal Description of club Purpose Structure Meeting frequency Costs Provide proposal to Activities Director, Mr. Beyer Obtain approvals from Superintendent, Curriculum Committee, and the Board of Education Schedule NEHS monthly meetings after school Raise funds for chartering fees, affiliation fees, and annual member dues Complete the charter application from the National Office Plan an induction ceremony Induct students and officers into society membership!
+ Our Goals for Today! Please sign up! Form also available at: Volunteer to get involved in club formation activities Participate in the brainstorming activity for club features
+ Brainstorming Activity Although some features of NEHS are governed by the national by-laws, there is room for your voice! Visit the easel paper sheets around the room Add at least 2 ideas on each sheet for… Fundraisers Club Activities Community service activities Things to do in Chapter Meetings