JFCC Space and Global Strike Lt Col David Adler, USAF Special Assistant to the Commander 19 Oct 2005 UNCLASSIFIED This Briefing is UNCLASSIFIED Brief to.


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Presentation transcript:

JFCC Space and Global Strike Lt Col David Adler, USAF Special Assistant to the Commander 19 Oct 2005 UNCLASSIFIED This Briefing is UNCLASSIFIED Brief to CAPSTONE

2 Agenda SGS Mission and Assessment JFCC Space and Global Strike CMD Relations JFCC SGS Processes - JSWG/JCB – Integration & collaboration for deliberate planning and staffing - JEWG/JIB – Time Sensitive / Crisis Action Planning Discussion—how can SGS help you? UNCLASSIFIED

3 Mission Statement The JFCC SGS will provide integrated Space and Global Strike capabilities to deter and dissuade aggressors and when directed, defeat adversaries through decisive joint global effects in support of USSTRATCOM global missions. UNCLASSIFIED

4 JFCC SGS Mission Tasks Joint Space Operations - Plan and execute day-to-day military space operations - Exercise OPCON of DoD manned spaceflight support functions - Provide missile warning and NORAD support Mission Integration & Synchronization - Create a framework to share information, integrate effects, and synchronize ongoing operations among mission partners Global Strike Planning and Operations - Deliver deliberate/adaptive planning for kinetic (nuclear and conventional) and non-kinetic capabilities - Provide rapid Course Of Action (COA) development capabilities - Execution capability only when directed Mission-Ready, Improving Capabilities UNCLASSIFIED

5 Other JFCCs and Mission Partners Coordination Support Command Relationships UNCLASSIFIED J-Staff SGSOC 8AF AOC GIC 14 AF/AOC JSpOC Coordination Support Combatant Commands Support STRAT Service Components COCOM JIOC Global Strike Forces as Assigned Space Forces as Assigned CDR USSTRATCOM  CDR JFCC SGS   

6 JFCC SGS Staff DCDR  CDR  SGSOC AF N Command Senior Enlisted Leader 0 Commander’s Support Staff 5 Commander’s Action Group 0 Chief of Staff 1 J2 3 J1 GS 1 J5** AF 154 J7 0 J8 GS 0 J3/J4* N J3: 81 J4: 5 Dedicated SGS Personnel: 50 JIOC  * 63 personnel dedicated to GOC operations ** 142 personnel dedicated to 8044 planning CMOC: 32 A OPCON TACON STRATCOM Global Operations Center J6 7 M AF

7 Joint Staff Working Group / Joint Coordination Board (JSWG/JCB) Purpose: Ensures integrated solutions are presented to CDR USSTRATCOM and others through an SGS-managed process Examples: - Non-Kinetic Options Planning - Support to SOCOM (GWOT) - Shuttle Return to Flight Collaboration forum at working level and decision at Flag level VTC format now – working toward a joint collaborative tool set to allow near continuous process

8 Joint Effects Working Group / Joint Integration Board (JEWG/JIB) Process that drives Time Sensitive / Crisis Action Planning timeline and outcomes Enables use of effects based logic rather than target driven planning Forces collaboration early in process Allows use of mission analysis Enables virtual SGSOC to harvest strength of all mission partners

9 Discussion JFCC SGS mission capable now, IOC during GLOBAL LIGHTNING – Nov 05 - Demonstrate collaborative Crisis Action Planning internal to SGSOC, JFCCs, and a single Unified Combatant Command - Building a JFCC Pilot project to: Establish appropriate communities of interest Define required data for kinetic (nuclear and conventional) and non-kinetic integrated strike and other missions Define standard toolkit for near term – DCTS, IWS, D-SIDE Building Global Force Management requirement for ISR capability in concert with JFCOM and JFCC ISR Outreach to UCCs begun - PACOM, PACAF, PACFLT – Jul 05 (Complete) - SOCOM – Jul 05 (Complete) - EUCOM – Dec 05 (T) - JFCOM – TBD - Others – TBD

JFCC Space and Global Strike Lt Col David Adler, USAF Special Assistant to the Commander 19 Oct 2005 UNCLASSIFIED This Briefing is UNCLASSIFIED


12 Provide integrated Space and Global Strike Capabilities Deter and Dissuade Aggressors Provide decisive Joint Global Effects in support of US STRATCOM Global Missions Defeat adversaries (swiftly, decisively) UNCLASSIFIED Capabilities / EffectsProcessProducts (means)(ways)(end) Space Operations Global Strike Global Situational Awareness Command and Control Information Operations Inducement Operations Active and passive Defenses Nuclear Strike Capabilities Overseas Presence Allied / Coalition Military Cooperation and Integration Force Projection Day to Day Command and Control (SGSOC and GOC) Deliberate / Adaptive Planning Int & Synch (>2 wks) (SGS J5) When Directed Day to Day (Phase 0) Global SA -- CDR STRATCOM via GOC -- CDR SGS via SGSOC Operations SGS unit & Joint Training SGS effects, when directed Decision Superiority Crisis Action / Time Sensitive Planning (GOC/SGSOC) (JIB w/JEWG) Operations Integration & Synchronization (0 hr - 2 wks) (JCB w/ JSWG) I&S near term SGS staff operational tasks / effects per HQ Ops tasks I&S matrix HQ PIRs, HQ mission priorities Battle Rhythm PLANORD / EXORD / FRAGO COAs I&S long range planning efforts OPLANs, CONPLANs, SUPPLANs Phase 0 planning materials (eg. GSSDs) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 1, 10, 12, 14 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 Specified Tasks Mission Integration and Synchronization G Y Y Y