Madhuri Koushik E.J. Lee Laura Pieroni Emily Sun Joey Yeh Advisors: Jiyoung Lee Carl Rosendahl
How Do We Create a way to Expand the museum experience at Home?
Research Technology ORCAS Wiki VCAS- Virtual Character Achievement System
Integrating Kiosks with Online Avatars
GOAL Interactive exhibit system
Approach Virtual Character Achievement System
Deliverable Prototypes Website and Kiosk Documentation
Brain Storming
Research Field Trip Online Virtual Character Creation ORCAS
Technology Research
Possible Platforms Estimated Budget Schedule Client Pitch Meeting
Avatar Kiosk Interactive Board Game 3 Pitch Ideas 2 Potential Ideas Card Reader and Mini Games
Avatar Kiosks
Card Reader and Mini Games
17 Mini Game Interaction Ideas
Challenges Budget Demographics Easy to over scope Time management
How can you help? Feedback on Process Prototype Testing Interactive Device Experience
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