Pit was first developed by Robert Hobson (1985). It was an attempt to move away from the traditional psychoanalytic approach of a relationship between therapist and client. Originally called the ‘conversational model’ to emphasise the fact that the mutual task of therapist and client was to engage in a therapeutic conversation. The conversation problems are not only talked about as a past events but actively relived in the present and resolved within the therapeutic relationship. Hobson believed that symptoms of depression arise from disturbances in the interpersonal relationships and these disturbances can only be explored and modified effectively from within another relationship- the therapeutic one.
The model has seven interlinking components, some of which are generic to all psychotherapy.. Exploratory rationale- Interpersonal difficulties in the individuals life are identified & the therapist tries to find a rationale for the individual that links their current symptoms with these difficulties. Key words : Difficulties are identified - Find a rationale to link. Shared understanding – The therapist tries to understand what the individual is really experiencing or feeling, by saying for example “ This is what I am hearing you say. Have I got it right?”. Key words : Understanding the feelings or what they are really experiencing. Staying with feelings- Rather than talking about feelings in an abstract way, an attempt is made to recreate them in the therapeutic environment. K ey words : Recreate feelings in the therapeutic environment. Focus on difficult feelings - The individual may express an emotion such as anger of which they are unaware, or may not display on appropriate emotion, eg- they appear calm or disinterested when discussing something of great emotional significance. Key words: Emotions individuals are unaware of. Not displaying appropriate emotion.
Gaining insight- The therapist points out patterns in different types of relationships e. g : between child and adult relationships or relationships with other adults. Key words: Patterns in relationships. Sequencing of intervention- Different aspects of the model must be used in a coherent manner. E.g : establishing the context of feelings before sharing insights. Key words : Coherent manner. Feelings before sharing insights. Change : The therapist acknowledges and encourages changes made during therapy. Key words : Acknowledges changes during therapy.
Research support : Paley et al ( 2008) have shown that as treatment for depression, outcomes for PIT are at least equivalent to those achieved with CBT. However, they acknowledge that changes in the significant life events were not monitored during the study therefore any observed clinical gained could not be attributed solely to the therapeutic intervention. The collaborative psychotherapy project. (CPP) : Barkham et al, (1996) : Found that PIT and CBT were equally effective in reducing the severity of depression ( as measure on the BDI ). However after 12 months, those treated with PIT and CBT showed a tendency for symptoms to recur- limiting its long term effectiveness.