MYSELF Jacket – Zara Made in Turkey Shirt – Zara Made in Turkey Pants – Uniqlo Made in China Shoes – New Balance Made in Vietnam Watch – Swatch Made in Swiss
Pro We produce less waste and recycle. Recycling hangers and alarms, which are picked up from our stores and processed into other plastic elements, is an example of our waste management policy. Millions of hangers and alarms are processed each year and both the cardboard and plastic used for packaging are also recycled. Con Hazardous chemical residues have been found in clothing made by Zara, Calvin Klein, Benetton, Giorgio Armani, the Gap and 15 other global brands, according to a Greenpeace investigation. ZARA
Fast Retailing runs an All Product Recycling Initiative in Uniqlo and GU stores in Japan, South Korea, UK, US, France, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Thailand and Malaysia. The company takes back end of life items and donates them to the UNHCR for refugees or converts them into fuel or fibre. Uniqlo and Youngor face up to the serious water pollution problems caused by their supply chains. Suspected violations of new discharge standards were discovered at factories that supply to Uniqlo. ProCon UNIQLO
SWATCH Pro In parallel to a qualitative optimization and a reduction in costs, ecological progress within the Swatch Group is a long-term requirement. Swatch improve several façades, windows and cooling systems, yielding considerable savings in fossil fuel and electricity use. Con The Environmental Category data convers a company's interactions with the environment at large, including use of natural recourses, and a company's impact on the Earth's ecosystems. The category evaluates corporate environmental performance, compliance with environmental regulations, mitigation of environmental footprint and leadership in addressing climate change through appropriate policies.
WHAT SURPRISED YOU MOST ABOUT THE COMPANY WHO MAKES YOUR CLOTHES? PLEASE GIVE THREE EXAMPLES. It never came to my mind that Zara or global brands would use chemicals or things that affects the environment. But knew that some of the minor shops. My mom told me some shops sell their cloths into plastic bags, so she doesn't shops there any more. But, some brands try to help the environment by selling good cloths or accessories (like swatch).
AFTER FINDING OUT ABOUT WHERE YOUR CLOTHES COME FROM, WILL YOU PURCHASE CLOTHING DIFFERENTLY IN THE FUTURE? WHY OR WHY NOT? No because the Earth is already full of trash. But I don’t know if my mom will accept to buy expensive things because some cloths are better but more expensive.