I think I should have loved you presently Edna St. Vincent Millay Analysis by Cassidy
Others interpretation on the poem “Was in love with someone but wasn’t able to stop doing the bad that he/she was doing. Now he/she cant be with the lover, cause he/she broke lover’s heart” – Deanna Braun “They had a lover who loved them entirely, but they corrupted them and treated them badly. Losing them in the end. – Shade Cooke ‘ “I Think I Should Have Loved You Presently” is about a young girl who has lost the man she loved before she even knew she loved him. This loss of love has made her cynical and disillusioned with the idea of love. This poem is written is such beautiful, but simple language. It is extremely easy to relate to this poem and its meaning. I believe one’s own experience with love and loss change what one would get out of this poem. For me this poem speaks directly to my experiences with love. Often I avoid the possibility of getting hurt by not taking things seriously and only once it is over, do I see how much I really cared.’ -- http://americanpoetryprojectspring10.wikispaces.co m/Priest
Edna St. Vincent Millay Is best known as one of the most highly respected American poets of the 20th century. Edna contrived the popular phrase, "My candle burns at both ends.“ She was an American poet and playwright, born February 22, 1892, in Rockland, Maine. Edna was named after St. Vincent hospital because that’s where her uncle received care. Her father Henry Tolman Millay, and mother Cora Buzzell Millay. Millay’s parents had gotten a divorce when she was 8 years of age and her mother had raised her as well as her younger sisters, Kathleen Millay, and Norma Millay. Encouraged to have value for literature and culture. She had played the piano and wished to strive for a concert pianist career at first, but her instructor discouraged her for the reason of her having small hands. Then went on to pursue being a writer. Graduated from Camden High School in 1909, then went on to Vassar College and graduated in 1917 with a bachelor degree of Arts. At the age of 20, she had penned “Renascence” one of her most well-known poems. Poet Robert Frost was a big influence on her, Millay wrote sonnets with tremendous skill and thoughtfulness. In 1923, she married Eugen Boissevain. They had resided in Austerlitz, New York, on a 700- acre farm and modern- day national historic landmark called the Steepleton. Died October 19, 1950 in her home and was buried on the grounds of her home.
Summary This poem is simple and shows that a lot of attractions don’t turn into romances. You can feel how certain she is about what the future could have looked like and the memory that is left with her about her lover. She wished he would have stayed. What she has lost and has to be content with. And she is describing how games and flirtation can really turn to love and seriousness. It is about a love that could not remain. Something has happened causing her lover to leave. The pretty follies are what won him to her. She is not the girl she used to be, the girl he knew. And if she could go back she would have loved him sooner. Also believing that whenever she told him "I love you" that she should have meant it with her heart and soul rather than saying it in a joking matter.
Tone Mood Calm, Passionate, frantic, certainty Heartbroken, Mellow, Content
Sound/ Rhyme scheme Imagery ABABCDCDEFEFGG “And caught your hand against my cheek and breast” –the touch she fells “ Naked of reticence and shorn of pride” – her being empty of her thoughts, personal affairs and have her pride taken from her, cut from herself. “A ghost in marble of a girl you knew” –the girl she used to be, and that ghost will always be there.
Theme Literary devices The theme of this poem I believe is Love, not romantic love but having something to love. Also Realization, realizing that you are changed and that if she could she would have gone back and loved him sooner. Similes: “ Spread like a chart my little wicked ways” Symbolism: “ A ghost in a marble of a girl you knew” Symbolizes that she has changed and would be a ghost, because she is not the girl he once knew. The ghost could mean that the girl that failed to love him is now gone, and so is he.
Golden line and why I choose this poem “But one more waking from a recurrent dream” makes you realize that multiple similar days can feel like waking up in the same day over and over again. “A ghost in marble of a girl you” That she has changed and isn’t the girl that she used to be. I chose this poem because its about love. Not exactly romantic love but just that theme in general. I loved how this poem sounded, and the flow it had. It had just caught my eye.
http://www.biography.com/people/e dna-st-vincent-millay-9408293 References Google images