1. Microcirculation
2. Microcirculation – normal
3. Tissue fluid exchange pressures
4. Lymphatic drainage
5. Vasodilation increases BHP in microcirculation
6. Agents of inflammatory response
7. Endothelial retraction increases permeability
8. Edema
9. Vascular changes in acute inflammation
10. White cell recruitment & activation
11. White cell activation – signal molecules
12. Tissue & blood cells of cellular response
13. Succession of events at inflammation site
14. Phagocytosis
15. Chemical mediators of inflammation
16. Eicosanoid formation
17. Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors
18. Hageman factor cascades I
19. Hageman factor cascades II
20. Complement system
21. Outcomes of acute inflammation I
22. Outcomes of acute inflammation II
23. Granuloma – lesion of chronic inflammation
24. Granuloma – central caseous necrosis
25. Macrophage role in chronic inflammation
26. Cyclic autostimulation in inflammatory cells
27. Temperature regulation
28. Induction of fever
29. Antipyretic therapy