Disclosure Basics Disclosure must always be done in all CME accredited activities (lectures, workshops, etc). One must disclose even if they have nothing to disclose (see last bullet) The ideal time is at the start of each presentation or presentation session Must include three components Name of individual with conflict Name of commercial interest Nature of that relationship Disclosure can never include trade names or product messages If no relevant commercial interest is identified, this must also be disclosed
Name of presenter goes here (required) Disclosures Enter your disclosures here (Commercial interest AND nature of relationship are required) or say No Relevant Financial Relationships with Commercial Interests
Disclosures Relevant Financial Disclosures Non-FDA Approved uses Examples (commercial interest AND nature are required) Non-FDA Approved uses examples Presenter name goes here (required)
Disclosures Presenter Commercial Interest Nature of COI Dorman1 Pharma Stock Dorman2 No relevant relationship Dorman3 Pharma1 & Pharma2 Consultant
No Relevant Financial Relationships with Commercial Interests Disclosures No Relevant Financial Relationships with Commercial Interests List the names of each and every faculty has nothing to disclose in this box: Dr. XXXX Dr. YYYY Dr. WWWW Dr. FFFFF Dr.2222 Dr. HHHH Dr. jjjj Ms. TTTT All faculty with relevant financial relationships will disclose at the time of their presentation