Project overview & Involvement of stakeholders Céline van Oirschot – Delft University of Technology
Interreg IVC The overall objective of the INTERREG IVC Programme is to improve the effectiveness of regional policies and instruments. A project builds on the exchange of experiences among partners who are ideally responsible for the development of their local and regional policies. The areas of support are innovation and the knowledge economy, environment and risk prevention. innovation and the knowledge economyenvironment and risk prevention
What is CIE? A partnership of 6 EU regions, 11 partners
Objective CIE Creating incubator hotspots to boost Europe’s cleantech sector 1.Provide authorities with skills & knowledge to further develop their policy instruments for support of clean tech SME’s 2.Help cities/regions facilitate and support clean tech incubators
Methodology 1.Casestudies of external best practices 2.Seminars 3.Manual with policy recommendations New insights on cleantech incubation policies and improved policies in member regions
Kick-off seminar, Helsinki, May 2012 Site visit ecological Viikki building Energy efficiency in urban environment Commercializing cleantech innovations
Seminar 2 Budapest, September 2012 Green Energy and Sustainable Materials Site visit Bio-Energy Research Center in Gödöllö
Seminar 3 Turin, January 2013 Building the cleantech incubation stakeholders’ network. Site visit Enviro Park
Stakeholders meeting Delft Discussion topics: the amount of facilities that are already available in the region cultural differences that exist between European regions. Main learnings that are shared by the stakeholders were the development and focus on a broadly shared long term vision on clean tech and on the financing model of start-ups.
Seminar Peterborough, June 2013
CIE – How could you be involved? Join our seminars, share & learn Follow our project via: – –Newsletter / #CIE_EU –Seminar l’Essonne November 2013 –End conference June 2014
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