Europe around 1900 In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, several European countries were competing for power. Germany was a strong united empire looking to get more land and power. Austria-Hungary was an empire with many different ethnic groups under its control. The Balkans (southeastern Europe) was controlled by AH and the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Russia, France, and Great Britain were also powerful countries.
Alliances To increase their own power and for protection if war should break out, the major European countries formed alliances The TRIPLE ALLIANCE consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy. The TRIPLE ENTENTE consisted of Great Britain, France, and Russia There were other minor promises of protection: Russia and Serbia, GB and Belgium.
Militarism Militarism – means the aggressive buildup of military forces in order to threaten or intimidate other countries. All the major countries tried to increase the size of their armed forces. Germany had the strongest military by GB had a strong navy and felt that no one nation should dominate Europe, so they pledged to help weaker countries.
Imperialism Imperialism – this is when strong countries dominate weaker ones The major European countries all had COLONIES somewhere in Africa or Asia. To Control colonies, a strong military was a must.
Nationalism Nationalism – this is a feeling of intense pride in your own country. Nationalism led some countries to try and expand their territory and power at the expense of weaker countries. Self-Determination – means people who share a national identity should have their own country. Example: The Balkan areas of Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Croatia wanted to break away from the AH the Ottoman empire.
An Assassination leads to war! In 1908 AH annexed Bosnia. Serbia wanted Bosnia to join them and is mad at AH In June of 1914, The Archduke of AH, Franz Ferdinand and his wife visit Sarajevo (capital of Bosnia) As they ride through town, they are shot to death by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the “Black Hand”. Serbian officials knew about the plan and hoped it would hurt AH.
War begins, Alliances kick in… AH blames Serbia for the assassination and on July 28 declares war! Russia helps Serbia Germany helps AH France helps Russia Germany invades Belgium to get to France GB joins to help Belgium
The Central Powers: Germany, AH, Turkey and Bulgaria The Allies: Serbia, Russia, France, and GB World War I – who’s fighting who?
Where were they fighting???? Western front = France. Germany had invaded France. France and GB were fighting Germany here. Eastern Front = Russia. AH and German forces invaded Russia and were fighting there.
For the quiz tomorrow – you need to know: 5 causes of W W I: Alliances Military buildup Nationalism Imperialism Assassination of the Archduke
Also know… The Central Powers: AH and Germany The Allies: Russia, France and GB