Quinnipiac University Habit 1 Be Proactive ® Habit 1
Habit 1: Be Proactive What does it mean to be proactive? –Understanding the awesome responsibility of free will and choice
Quinnipiac University Habit One – Be Proactive The Habit of Personal Choice The Habit of Personal Responsibility Proactive vs. Reactive Behavior
Quinnipiac University What Explains your “Nature?” Theories of Determinism WHY DO YOU RESPOND TO THINGS THE WAY YOU DO? “Genetic”….It’s in my DNA. I inherited this. “Psychic”….It’s my upbringing. “Environmental”…It’s my surroundings.
Habit 1 – Be Proactive Being PROACTIVE is a recognition that our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Responsibility = “response-abililty” In reality….being PROCATIVE gives you more control over situations
Quinnipiac University Stimulus-Response
Quinnipiac University Stimulus-Response
Quinnipiac University Freedom to Choose How do you create proactive behaviors? Exercise your freedom to choose your response!
Quinnipiac University Habit 1 – Be Proactive Reactive –Feel acted upon –Victimized –Impulsive –Respond without thought –Out of Control Proactive –Choose behavior –Thoughtful response –Think before acting –“In control” Proactive –Choose behavior –Thoughtful response –Think before acting –“In control” How would you describe reactive vs. proactive people?
Quinnipiac University Proactive People Do you tend to be more proactive or more reactive?
Quinnipiac University Habit 1: See-Do-Get Get Do See I am responsible for my choices. I choose to act, not react. I am in control.
Quinnipiac University Proactive People…..STEP Stop and Pause—Understand why you feel the way you do. Think—Make decisions based on your principles and beliefs. Evaluate — Your Options and Choices. Proceed — With Chosen Response!
Quinnipiac University Control
Quinnipiac University What are some things that concern you? Which ones do you have direct control over? Indirect control? No control? Where do you expend your time and energy?
Quinnipiac University Expanding Your Influence
“At the very heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and promises.” “The commitments we make to ourselves and others, and our integrity toward those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifiestation of our proactivity.”
Quinnipiac University The Four Human Endowments Self –Awareness….Examine thoughts, moods and behaviors. Imagination….Visualize beyond experience and present reality. Conscience… Understand right and wrong and follow personal integrity. Independent Will… Acting independent of external influence.
Quinnipiac University Habit 1 – Be Proactive You have the freedom to make choices You are responsible for your own choices. Recognize the things you must accept. Seek positive change in the things in which you have some control. Expand your “Circle of Influence” You have the most influence over your own life. MAKE THE MOST OF IT!