Global Imperialism 1750-1900. Africa Europeans in Africa before 19 th Century – Classical Era (600 BCE- 600 CE) Europeans only traveled along Mediterranean.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Imperialism

Africa Europeans in Africa before 19 th Century – Classical Era (600 BCE- 600 CE) Europeans only traveled along Mediterranean coast to the Saharan desert – 16 th Century: Portuguese set up military outposts in South Africa and Indian Ocean rim – 17 Century: Trans-Atlantic slave trade – Mid-17 th Century: VOC (Dutch) establish colony in Cape Town, South Africa, Dutch famers (Boers) move in

Africa 1800’s: Britain begins colonizing for resources 1810’s: Gains control of Egypt, Sudan, West Africa 1815: Boer War- war between British settlers and Dutch settlers (Boers) after gold and diamonds are discovered in South Africa. England wins, South Africa becomes a British colony 1830: France colonizes Algeria and eventually most of NW Africa – thousands killed 1880’s: “Scramble for Africa” – Belgians colonize central Africa, Congo – European countries begin competition for African land

Case Study: Leopold ’ s Congo King Leopold and other wealthy Belgians exploited the riches of the Congo. They took out copper, rubber, and ivory. Horrifying stories of torture and brutal beatings of the villagers made news. The villagers were forced to work for almost nothing. Those who refused to work, were beaten or their hands and feet were amputated.

Berlin Conference European powers met in Berlin, Germany for an international conference in No Africans were invited. – European powers recognized King Leopold ’ s claim to the Congo but called for free trade along the Congo and Niger River. With little regard to traditional ethnic boundaries, Europeans drew borders and set up frontiers as they claimed the land. 20 years after the conference, the European powers took almost all of Africa. Only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent.

Imperialism in Asia

European Colonization of Asia Strong governments = harder to colonize – Ottomans: still formidable military – Japan: becoming major power – China: interested more in economic assets Strongest example of Colonization: India – “crown jewel of the British Empire” – British East India Company (EIC) begins establishing rule Because there was more contact between Europe and Asia in prior time periods- effects of Colonization is less pronounced

European Colonization of Asia Unlike in Africa, variety of control methods: – Ex: British made treaties with local leaders in Malaysia, setting up indirect control for trade – Ex: France uses military force and gunboat diplomacy to acquire Southeast Asia directly Motivations similar to Africa (Social Darwinism, need resources), but with stronger emphasis on trade routes – Asia is “exotic”, Africa is “savage”

Western Imperialism in China Opium Wars ( , ) – British smuggle opium into China to offset trade deficit -> China protests -> war breaks out Result: China is forced to sign unequal treaties – Increased British control, gained Hong Kong – Russia, Japan, France, Germany set up unequal treaties, create “Spheres of Influence” – US calls for “Open Door” Policy with China -> creates a free for all in which China has no say

British Control of India East India Company: – Economic Control, Run by EIC Company Rule: – Economic and Political Control, Run by EIC and Crown – “Nabobs”- company men, getting rich gaining power – Sepoy Rebellion: 1857 British Raj: – British government takes direct control – Ruler = Raj, Queen Victoria = Empress of India – British extend colonial control to Malaysia, Singapore, and several islands and trading posts in Indian Ocean

Resistance to Imperialism

Africa – Northwest Africa: rebellions against French – South Africa: British and Boers vs Zulu – Ethiopia: Menelik II success over Italians Asia – Taiping Rebellion in China – Boxer Rebellion in China – Sepoy Rebellion in India