Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Hood Canal and Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca Summer Chum Salmon Recovery Plan The Hood Canal Coordinating Council Approach to Salmon Recovery Planning Scott Brewer Jay Watson Dave Christensen Richard Brocksmith
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Membership: –Counties: Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason –Tribes: Skokomish Tribe, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Dual mission –Water quality –Salmon recovery
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Hood Canal Low D.O-fish kills-dead zone
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Oncorhynchus keta “dog salmon” (chum salmon)
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Summer Chum Salmon Recovery Planning History of Endangered Species Act (ESA)- listings –1994 Federal review of all west coast salmon –1999 listed as threatened with extinction Response to listing –Washington State “Extinction is Not an Option” –salmon recovery planning grant programs –Good fit for HCCC and made sense as part of mission
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Geographic Area of Hood Canal & Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca Summer Chum Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU)
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 History of planning for summer chum mid-1990’s to present Summer Chum Salmon Conservation Initiative (SCSCI) Limiting Factor Reports (LFAs) Refugia studies Habitat restoration projects in process Salmon Recovery Plan (SRP) –Submitted to NMFS November 2005 –To be adopted any day
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 The Hood Canal Coordinating Council approach Created a venue or a forum to leverage future funding Took advantage of all the good work to date and in progress Specific actions in specific areas –Project (wood placement, culverts) –Programmatic (critical areas, shoreline programs) Opportunity to engage land use authorities
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Supplement states: This approach is consistent with the principles of conservation biology, and follows technical guidance for recovery planning provided by the PSTRT NMFS concluded that if the actions outlined in the Plan are implemented, the Hood Canal summer chum ESU is likely to make significant and positive strides toward meeting the viability criteria. NMFS has concluded that the Plan meets ESA section 4(f) recovery plan requirements
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Salmon Recovery Planning and land use County staffs consulted Discussed with elected officials “programmatic give and take” Reviewed land use regulatory programs Build-out analysis
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 current land use regulations in all three Counties in the Hood Canal watershed support the protection and recovery of salmon and other ESA listed fish. build-out analysis and review of regulatory programs
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Land use permit tracking Are current local land use codes working as intended, as they exist in code? Are situations where the codes are not being applied uniformly undermining the overall effectiveness of those various codes? Are there other activities that are cumulatively aiding fish that need to be considered?
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March 2007 Next steps/implementation Expand on the land use permit tracking Develop database tracking of programmatic actions Monitoring and adaptive management Community Nearshore Restoration Program
Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference March