Research Synopsis of an Educational Issue: Child Abuse Presented by Terry Watson GDPC545-Administration of Guidance Services
What is Child Abuse?
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation; An act or failure to act that presents an imminent risk of serious harm.
Statistical Facts Professionals have submitted more than one half (56.5 %) of the cases referred to and assessed or investigated by CPS (child protective services) with education personnel the most frequent source of reports (16.2%).
Identifying Reasons Why Educators Are Concerned About Child Abuse and Neglect
Reasons why…. Educators have close and consistent contact with children. Educators have a professional and legally mandated responsibility for reporting suspected maltreatment (abuse). School personnel has a unique opportunity to advocate for children.
Advocating Community efforts Educational opportunity Legal concerns Professional Responsibilities Personal commitment
Assessment Identifying and Reporting Maltreatment (Child Abuse)
Standard Procedures Intake Initial assessment and investigation Family assessment Case planning Service provision Evaluation of family progress Case Closure
Key functions of Educators Developing and implementing prevention programs for children and parents. Identifying and reporting suspected child abuse and neglect; Recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect occurring in the school system or child care program. Developing a school program policy for reporting instances of child abuse and neglect and cooperating with CPS investigation; Keeping CPS informed of the changes or improvements in the child’s behavior and condition following the investigation; Providing support services for parents such as school- sponsored self-help groups. Serving on child maltreatment multidisciplinary teams. Supporting the child through potentially traumatic events, for example, court hearing and out-of-home placement.
Prevention Strategies Compliment a child. Read a book with a child. Share stories with a child. Plant a flower with a child. Give a new responsibility to your child. Practicing safety measures. Have a picnic in the yard or park. Tell your child that you love them.
Case Study No. 1 You notice that Eric has been shifting in his seat all day. When you ask him what's wrong, he tells you that he fell down and hurt his butt. You take him to the nurse. Eric has strap-shaped welts and bruises on his butt and his lower back in various stages of healing. When you question him about it again, he admits that he sometimes gets "spanked" by his father when he makes a mess in the house. He is very afraid that you may call his father.
Points to consider 1.Do you file a report with Child Protective Services? If you were to make a report, what type of abuse would you classify this as? 2. What physical or behavioral indicators are present? 3. If this was abuse or neglect, what number would you call to make the report? 4. If the child had told you about this incident, what additional questions would you ask?
Case Study No.2 Carlos is usually an enthusiastic and rambunctious six-year-old. Lately you notice that he is either withdrawn or very bossy with the other children. You intervene when you see Carlos grabbing one of the other students and yelling in his face before shoving him to the floor. Carlos tells you not to call his mother or her new boyfriend, Joe, because Joe will get angry and hurt Carlos' mother.
Points to consider 1.Do you file a report with Child Protective Services? If you were to make a report, what type of abuse would you classify this as? 2. What physical or behavioral indicators are present? 3. If this was abuse or neglect, what number would you call to make the report? 4. If the child had told you about this incident, what additional questions would you ask?
Intervention Should the child remain a part of the family? Should the child remain a part of the family? Do the courts have a role in the case? Is there a question of visitation?
Should the child remain a part of the family? What is the function of both parents? The extent of the offender’s abusive behavior? Does the offender take responsibility for their abusive behavior? Consider the number and severity of the offender’s other problems- substance abuse, violent behavior, mental illness and/or mental retardation.
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