Multitemporal Wetland Studies In Iowa For Transportation Corridor Planning Using Hyperspectral and LIDAR imagery Iowa
Prevailing Winds Glacial Extent Local Environment Over the past 18,000 years prevailing winds have Deposited large amount of glacial outwash material in Southeast Iowa producing loess dunes. Eddyville Loess Dunes
4-Lane Hwy Dunes Problem The interstate approaching Eddyville is four-lane coming in from the north and south. Eddyville’s location between the Des Moines River and the dunes caused the four-lane highway to funnel down to 2-lanes passing through Eddyville resulting in a hazardous traffic problem for the small town. Initial surveys determined the best alignment was across the top of the dunes and right-of-way lands were purchased. At a town meeting to discuss the bypass, citizens informed IDOT of protected species and their habitats existing on the top of the dunes. The project was brought to a halt and became a political nightmare caused by going full throttle on a big project without adequate environmental information.
A map of the entire project area was studied in detail. It was decided to focus our identification efforts on the herbaceous plant community. It is important not to under estimate the importance of scene acquisition dates in planning RS missions. Locations of wetland flora, already located by IDOT biologist and common to the environment, were chosen as training samples for the aerial RS mission. To prevent biased, random sample locations were also picked. LIDAR mission also planned in conjunction with 2002 Hyperspectral mission Project Planning
Ground Truthing at the Eddyville scene using an ASD spectroradiometer, GPS and vegetation classifications performed IDOT biologist, botanist and geologist.
Extensive data base developed from the ground truth data for the Eddyville scene
ASD Spectral Plots
Surveyed Geodetic Control Locations
First-order atmospheric corrections will be applied using MSU-acquired ground signatures of pseudo invariant targets and coincident ILS measurements. Radiometrically corrected flight lines. Atmospherically corrected mosaics will be provided. A land cover classification of the 2002 mission will also be performed by ITRES. ITRES will also merge the LIDAR data with Hyperspectral data. Processing Performed by ITRES
All ground truthing has been completed 2 Hyperspectral flights at 1-meter resolution were completed. One in Summer 2001 and one in Spring Six lines at 0.6 meter resolution were also flown in 2001 A LIDAR mission was flown at the same time as the Spring 2002 Hyperspectral mission. Accuracy assessment comparing DEM, LIDAR with the geodetic survey. Current Status of Project
LIDAR Mission Improved registration of images vs. DEM Evaluated hydrology/topography Provide improved surfaces for estimated grades/cut & fill Improve classification of vegetation Provide IDOT a wetland assessment map of the Eddyville corridor which hopefully can be used in other corridor planning in the state.