Shooting rooster is a traditional custom of hungarian ethnic community. Ceremony is held on the first day of Easter in the village of Apata. It is believed that the origin of the custom is connected with a legend of the place, which says that in the sixteenth century - century, during an invasion tatarasti, retired population in the city area. The invaders devastated the city, want to retreat, but they heard a rooster song from city. Residents refugees here were discovered in this way. The fortress was besieged, and the survivors decided to punish the traitorous rooster. Nowadays, children are participants in this event, to celebrate the initiation in the target sights and pulling the crossbow. Place of the rooster is taken by a panel that is painted that bird. Shooting rooster is a traditional custom of hungarian ethnic community. Ceremony is held on the first day of Easter in the village of Apata. It is believed that the origin of the custom is connected with a legend of the place, which says that in the sixteenth century - century, during an invasion tatarasti, retired population in the city area. The invaders devastated the city, want to retreat, but they heard a rooster song from city. Residents refugees here were discovered in this way. The fortress was besieged, and the survivors decided to punish the traitorous rooster. Nowadays, children are participants in this event, to celebrate the initiation in the target sights and pulling the crossbow. Place of the rooster is taken by a panel that is painted that bird. All boys are aligned in front of the target and, after telling lyrics and songs that are the trial of traitorous roosters, proceed to shoot. Every boy shooting three times. All boys are aligned in front of the target and, after telling lyrics and songs that are the trial of traitorous roosters, proceed to shoot. Every boy shooting three times.