State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations Center” A Self Study Course
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 2 Course Modules Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures Module 3 – Position Task Books Module 4 – Online tutorial
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 3 Module 3 Position Task Books (PTB) & Job Titles References: ESF 6 Operations/Plans Manager Job Title & Position Task Book (PTB) ESF 6 Information Manager Job Title & Position Task Book (PTB)
ESF 6 CEMP Annex ESF 6 SOG ESF 6 Job Aids ESF 6 Position Task Books The ESF 6 CEMP Annex describes “the framework through which a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies, the private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, and other NGOs coordinate and execute the common emergency management strategies. The actions described in the Support Annexes apply to nearly every type of emergency. Each Support Annex identifies a coordinating agency and cooperating agencies. In some instances, two departments or agencies share coordinating agency responsibilities.” Source: CPG 101 “Standard operating procedures or operating manuals are complete reference documents that provide the purpose, authorities, duration, and details for the preferred method for performing a single function or a number of interrelated functions in a uniform manner.” Source: CPG 101 “Job aids are checklists or other materials that help users perform a task.” Source: CPG 101 Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) Developing and maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local emergency plans, March 2009, FEMA Position Task Books describe and identify all the basic tasks a person holding the position should be able to perform properly. Source: NIMS Qualifications Process Guide
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 5 Task Books & Job Titles Job Titles for a specified position describe required and recommended criteria for categories such as education, training and experience. Position Task Books describe and identify all the basic tasks a person holding the position should be able to perform properly.
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 6 Task books are designed to: Describe the tasks to be performed for a given position Determine training needs of individuals Serve as a tool for promoting task- related performance Record performance assessment data
Competency Position Task Book Structure ICS Core Competencies with associated behaviors adopted by NIMS in Sep 2007 ESF selects Core Competencies from available pool based on requirements of the position. Each competency is defined by set behaviors. Behavior 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Behavior 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Behavior 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Behavior 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Behavior 3 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Behavior 3 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Each behavior is assigned Florida SERT specific tasks.
State ESF 6 Organization Human Services Branch Multi-Agency Feeding Task Force You will be assigned to work in one of these two positions
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 9 Operations/Plans Manager Job Title
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 10 Information Manager Job Title
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 11 Competencies, Behaviors & Tasks
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 12 Student responsibilities Review and understand instructions in the task book. Identify desired objectives/goals related to the assigned tasks. Demonstrate the ability to perform all tasks for an assigned position. Work with the supervisor to improve performance as needed.
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 13 Completing your Task Book Bring your Task Books when you are asked to come for an exercise or an event. At the end of your shift, review with your supervisor the tasks that you have completed. Get your supervisor to date and initial completed tasks.
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 14 Once your Task Book is complete Present your completed task book and request certification for that position. Upon approval, you will receive documentation of your certification for that position.
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 15 Module 3 Summary You should understand the purpose of a Job Title and Position Task Book. You should understand your responsibilities toward completing your own Position Task Book.
State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 16 Go on to Module 4 Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures Module 3 – Position Task Books Module 4 – Online tutorial