Supervisor Awareness Training Session One Faculty of Humanities May 2009
National context QAA Code of Practice (Sept 2004) HEFCE link PGR funding to QAA QAA RDP review (Feb 2006) (RDP = Research Degree Programme)
Organisational Context University of Manchester 2020 agenda: Goal 1; KPI 6: “ Annual increase in PGR students successfully completing their PhD programme, consistent with a doubling to the period 2020.”
More specifically: our creed We believe that research and knowledge of internationally recognisable quality are at the core of a Doctoral project and that this quality is evidenced by the PhD thesis. While the PhD thesis is an outcome of the Doctoral process its main output are people – highly able researchers that can be employed by the top research organisations in the world. Hence: We see our strategic task as providing the organisational conditions to enable our postgraduate research students to become highly able professional researchers.
Issues for supervisors selection and admissions panels & progression research training examination
Issues for supervisors skills audit PDPs supervisor’s agreement
Issues for supervisors networking post-doctoral path publication
Submission and Completion Double the number of PhD completions Increase the proportion of PhD completions