Task-based Writing--- How to Summarize a Narration.


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Task-based writing --- How to write a summary of narration
Presentation transcript:

Task-based Writing--- How to Summarize a Narration

广东高考读写任务真题分析 年份短文体裁 话题 2007 记叙文 (书信) 表达你对父亲的感恩 2008 夹叙夹议 (发言稿) 谈谈你理想的大学生活 2009 议论文该不该禁止游客和动物拍照 2010 议论文用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象 2011 记叙文讲述一次想家的经历 2012 记叙文对于老师影响学生的想法

What should we pay attention to when writing a summary? 1. Focus on main ideas and omit examples or details. ( 注重大意,省去详细的例子、细节 ) 2. Do not include our own opinion, but be sure to use our own words. ( 不添加个人见解,但要用自 己的语言概括) 3. Control the number of words about Check the summary: 要点、人称、时态、拼写、 句子结构 Discussion

How to Summarize a Narration

What to Write 记叙文的六要素 :_______, _______, _______, _______, ________, ________, 通常还要关注 result 和 what to learn. 注意: (1) 并非每篇记叙文都包含这些要素,但 “ 谁做了什 么 ?(who did what?) 和结果如何 ?(what was the result?)” 是应当包括的。因此,要写好记叙 文概要,必须找到以上两个问题的答案。 (2) 如果是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上这个故事给 人们的启示 (what to learn) 。 WhoWhatWhen WhereWhyHow

Step 1 Find out the topic of a passage 充分利用[写作内容 2 ] ( 以 2012 年广东高考英语真题为例 ) 2 、以约 120 个词就 老师影响学生 的话题谈谈 你的想法, 内容包括 …… How to Write

Narration 记叙文 1 Argumentation 议论文 2 Exposition 说明文 3 Step 2 Read the passage and recognize the style.

Try to find out the answers to the questions. (1) 谁做了什么? (who did what) (2) 结果如何? (what was the result) Step 3 Reread carefully, highlighting the elements.

Read the passage and answer the questions: (1) 谁做了什么? (who did what) The writer’s husband received a letter from one of his students. The student thanked him for having a great influence on her life. (2) 结果如何? (what was the result) The old sick retired teacher considered the letter as a wonderful gift.

Step 4 Combine sentences for a smooth, logical flow of ideas. Possible version: A month ago, the writer’s husband received a letter from one of his students, which was considered as a wonderful gift to an old sick retired teacher. The student thanked him for having a great influence on her life.

Example 1 The author happened to pick an umbrella on a bus and tried to find its owner. ( 结果 ) She was pleased to find the owner and also got a job offered by the owner of the umbrella.

Example 2 Three brothers, who worked for the same company, received different wages due to their different attitudes towards their work, which shows a right attitude is of great help to one’s life.

Example 3 The writer tells us patience was very important and that it was the secret of success by showing us an example of his unforgettable fishing experience with an old man, who taught him a lesson.

Example 4 The Clark family, who were unlucky to miss boarding Titanic because one son was bitten by a dog, were fortunately saved. ( 启示 ) This story is about a tragedy turning into a blessing.

Narration Summary Models 1. 故事经历类: (1) This passage is mainly about sb’s experience of doing sth. (2) The writer mainly tells us his experience of doing sth, which…… (3) sb. did sth. As a result /Therefore,... (4) In order to..., sb. did sth. 2. 夹叙夹议类: (1)sb. did sth., due to / thanks to/because (of)..., which shows... (2)The writer tells us… (主题) by showing us an example of…, who/which… (故事情节). (3)The author inspires us…( 主题 ) by quoting a story that…( 经历 ).

Read Passage A and answer the questions: (1) 谁做了什么? Sam got to a boarding school and he felt homesick. (2) 结果如何? He got sick. He couldn’t focus his attention on his lessons.

The passage tells us Sam got to a boarding school and he felt homesick. As a result, he got sick and couldn’t focus his attention on his lessons. (29 words) Reference Key for Passage A

Read Passage B and answer the questions: (1) 谁做了什么? An excellent Chinese student often skipped buying subway tickets. (2) 结果如何? He was not even allowed the chance for an interview in Germany. (3) 说明了什么? Honesty is the best policy.

Version 1 : ( 某人 ) An excellent Chinese student who ( 做某事 ) often skipped buying subway tickets, ( 结果 ) so he was not even allowed the chance for an interview in Germany, ( 启示 )which shows honesty is the best policy. (30 words) Reference Key for Passage B

Version 2 : An excellent Chinese student who was not even allowed the chance for an interview in Germany ( 原 因 ) because he often skipped buying subway tickets, ( 启示 )which shows honesty is the best policy. (30 words) Reference Key for Passage B

Tips for writing a summary 1. Read the passage for overall content and identify the structure. 2. Reread carefully, highlighting the key words, phrases, and sentences. 3. In your final draft, insert transitional words where necessary.

Homework Write summaries of Passage B, Passage D on Page 7 in English Weekly No.36

summary understanding topic key words set sentence patterns summarize/rewrite writing style tense, person