Equipment and Safety Know where the Safety equipment is located in the room Know where the Safety equipment is located in the room Know how to use each piece of safety equipment Know how to use each piece of safety equipment Use only equipment for your lab Use only equipment for your lab Read lab before entering lab room Read lab before entering lab room
Personal Safety Check your equipment for damages –Tell Instructor Check your equipment for damages –Tell Instructor Make certain to adhere to good laboratory dress Make certain to adhere to good laboratory dress
Laboratory Dress Always wear eye protection (GOOGLES!!!!!) and apron / lab coat- heat, glassware, chemical, projectiles Always wear eye protection (GOOGLES!!!!!) and apron / lab coat- heat, glassware, chemical, projectiles Do not remove any safety dress near the experiment area Do not remove any safety dress near the experiment area Traditionally, full dress included: Traditionally, full dress included: Full pantsFull pants Long-sleeved shirt (buttoned)Long-sleeved shirt (buttoned) Full shoesFull shoes
Personal Safety Tie back long hair Tie back long hair No loose clothing No loose clothing Keep chemicals/fumes/flames away from yourself Keep chemicals/fumes/flames away from yourself Light flames away from yourself Light flames away from yourself Keep flammable stuff away from fire. Keep flammable stuff away from fire. Never smell/taste any substance for identification-waft Never smell/taste any substance for identification-waft Keep a clear area – lab sheets, etc. on the desks/tables away from experiment area Keep a clear area – lab sheets, etc. on the desks/tables away from experiment area
Class Safety NO HORSEPLAY NO HORSEPLAY Don’t let someone else’s actions injure you or cause you discomfortDon’t let someone else’s actions injure you or cause you discomfort Acids- use caution Acids- use caution Heat liquids away from others Heat liquids away from others Electricity-dry hands/pull from plug/tell teacher of any frayed wires Electricity-dry hands/pull from plug/tell teacher of any frayed wires
Danger! A science laboratory activity is not dangerous. A science laboratory activity is not dangerous. PEOPLE are! PEOPLE are! Misbehaving in a lab setting will cause others to get hurt. Misbehaving in a lab setting will cause others to get hurt. DON’T DO IT. PERIOD. DON’T DO IT. PERIOD.
LABORATORY’S FIRST RULE DO WHAT YOUR TEACHER SAYS- Always ask teacher for permission or tell the teacher of any problem. DO WHAT YOUR TEACHER SAYS- Always ask teacher for permission or tell the teacher of any problem.