How regions can help build a sustainable Europe
Aim of GRDP Develop a common European methodology for integrating the environment into regional development programmes
End products of GRDP The GRDP Charter The GRDP Toolkit
The GRDP Charter “Regions for Sustainable change” A set of principles to achieve greener and prosperous regions
Adopting the charter means being committed to: work towards more sustainable regional development programmes work in partnership support green projects The GRDP Charter
The GRDP partnership urge all European public organisations involved in regional development to join us signing the Charter The GRDP Charter
The GRDP Toolkit
What is the GRDP Toolkit? A collection of fact sheets, guidance and good practices TO Support regions in giving full weight to environmental issues, alongside economic and social objectives
GRDP Fact sheets
Reports on Toolkit CD Green growth (audit report on environmental integration) Making the economic case for environmental integration Partnership as a tool to green programmes Creating networks for environmental integration Beyond the defensive (UK experience) Handbook on SEA Greening agriculture and rural development programmes Greening projects for growth and jobs
Key messages An “integrated” approach Work in partnership The involvement of environmental partners The use of networks The environment as an economic driver Greening projects Communication on environmentally successful projects
Charter and Toolkit are on: They will soon be available in 6 languages