Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Committee for Environmental Information Systems and Communications Office of the Federal Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Committee for Environmental Information Systems and Communications Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research December 2, 2003

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 8:00 AMWelcome and introductionsMs. Mary Cairns, OFCM 8:05 AMOpening remarksMr. Samuel Williamson, Federal Coordinator 8:15 AMAdministrative remarks, review agendaMs. Cairns »Changes to membership roster 8:30 AMCEISC Committee PurposeMr. Michael Howland, AFWA Focus shift needed for Committee to emphasize »Forum for Agency CIO Issues »Compliance with Federal Enterprise Architecture »Collaboration on IT interoperability »Information Management 9:30 AMBreak (time approximate) 9:45 AMResume Committee discussion 11:30 AMLunch (until 12:30 PM) Tentative Agenda

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 12:30 PMIssue 1: Frequency management »Overview of frequency management issuesMr. Scott Jackson, NOAA »World communication conference – UpdateMr. David Franc, NWS 1:30 PMIssue 2: Information dissemination technology »Overview of dissemination technologiesMr. Michael Messinger, GSA 2:30 PMBreak (time approximate) 2:45 PMIssue 3: Strategy for providing and disseminating environmental (weather and climate) information »Goals, objectives, prioritiesMs. Mary Cairns, OFCM 3:00 PMOpen discussion on agency issues 4:00 PMReview new action items as required »Next steps »Next meeting (set approximate date) 4:30 PMAdjourn Tentative Agenda

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Recording In Progress NOTE: Audio recording in progress to assist with capturing Record of Actions.

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Life Support –Coffee, Tea, Sodas, Bagels, etc. Emergency Exits * Phones * –Incoming messages: –Incoming faxes: –Dial 9 for commercial, 4 for DSN on DSN line Restrooms * –grab a key at the front desk Parking Validation Administrative Info * slide follows

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Elevators MEN WOMEN Toilet Kit Copier Fax DFC USN USAF FAA FC Emergency Exit Meeting room

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Phones Elevators MEN WOMEN Toilet Kit Copier Fax DFC USN USAF FAA FC Meeting room

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Elevators MEN WOMEN Toilet Kit Copier Fax DFC USAF FAA FC Restrooms USN Meeting room

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 8:00 AMWelcome and introductionsMs. Mary Cairns, OFCM 8:05 AMOpening remarksMr. Samuel Williamson, Federal Coordinator 8:15 AMAdministrative remarks, review agendaMs. Cairns »Changes to membership roster 8:30 AMCEISC Committee PurposeMr. Michael Howland, AFWA Focus shift needed for Committee to emphasize »Forum for Agency CIO Issues »Compliance with Federal Enterprise Architecture »Collaboration on IT interoperability »Information Management 9:30 AMBreak (time approximate) 9:45 AMResume Committee discussion 11:30 AMLunch (until 12:30 PM) Tentative Agenda

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Meteorological Codes Communication Interfaces and Data Exchange Data Requirements Communication Requirements CEISC Working Groups

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology March 2000 Prepares and maintains Federal Meteorological Handbooks FMH-1 FMH-2 FMH-12 Others…. WG Meteorological Codes

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Spring 1998 Maintains “Standard Formats for Weather Data Exchange Among Automated Weather Information Systems” Maintains “Standard Telecommunication Procedures for Weather Data Exchange Among Automated Weather Information Systems” Reviews, monitors, coordinates issues around –Handling of data among systems –Physical linkages –Transferring information between and among AWIS and OPCs WG Communication Interfaces and Data Exchange

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology No issues assigned currently WG Data Requirements

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology No issues assigned currently WG Communication Requirements

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Lunch

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 12:30 PMIssue 1: Frequency management »Overview of frequency management issuesMr. Scott Jackson, NOAA »World communication conference – UpdateMr. David Franc, NWS 1:30 PMIssue 2: Information dissemination technology »Overview of dissemination technologiesMr. Michael Messinger, GSA 2:30 PMBreak (time approximate) 2:45 PMIssue 3: Strategy for providing and disseminating environmental (weather and climate) information »Goals, objectives, prioritiesMs. Mary Cairns, OFCM 3:00 PMOpen discussion on agency issues 4:00 PMReview new action items as required »Next steps »Next meeting (set approximate date) 4:30 PMAdjourn Tentative Agenda

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Overview of frequency management issues for meteorology –Mr. Scott Jackson Office of Radio Frequency Management, DOC World Communication Conference – an update –Mr. David Franc Office of Operational Systems, NWS Issue 1: Frequency Management

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Meeting the growing needs and demands of the users and the public –Mr. Michael Messinger Strategic Planning and Marketing Division, GSA Issue 2: Information Dissemination Technologies and Architectures

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Background NRC 21 st Century Report 1998 –Identified OFCM as the lead to examine issues –Develop a strategic plan –Key Federal, organization, private sector, academe, and professional organizations should be represented in plan development Issue 3: Strategy for Providing and Disseminating Environmental Data

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Background December 2001 SAI Workshop Proceedings –Policy, legal, new technologies –Framework/guidance for standards/formats (metadata) –Conduct value assessment of information to users –Systems architecture Communications medium & interface Data exchange Interoperability Security –Radio frequency management –Education and outreach Issue 3: Strategy for Providing and Disseminating Environmental Data

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Discussion Questions What are the mechanisms required to deliver information to the community in a usable form? What are the partnerships? What is the current quantity and quality of observing sites? How do you improve coverage of and access to? How do tie sites together to form a national network to meet national needs? Issue 3: Strategy for Providing and Disseminating Environmental Data

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 12:30 PMIssue 1: Frequency management »Overview of frequency management issuesMr. Scott Jackson, NOAA »World communication conference – UpdateMr. David Franc, NWS 1:30 PMIssue 2: Information dissemination technology »Overview of dissemination technologiesMr. Michael Messinger, GSA 2:30 PMBreak (time approximate) 2:45 PMIssue 3: Strategy for providing and disseminating environmental (weather and climate) information »Goals, objectives, prioritiesMs. Mary Cairns, OFCM 3:00 PMOpen discussion on agency issues 4:00 PMReview new action items as required »Next steps »Next meeting (set approximate date) 4:30 PMAdjourn Tentative Agenda

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Next Meeting??

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Meeting Adjourned Thank you!