Trust and Identity Infrastructure Services Above the Network Ann Harding, SWITCH/GÉANT UbuntuNetConnect 2014
2 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate e-Research in the 21 st Century Source: Professor David De Roure, Professor of e-Research at University of Oxford
3 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate e-Research in the 21 st Century CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Distributed Data Distributed Users Distributed Data Distributed Users
4 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Are we ready?
5 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate The Flow of Trust User Service Service Provider Home Organisation Federation
6 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduroam Open your laptop and be online
7 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduroam Operating safe wireless access, scalably
8 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduroam Open your laptop and be online …anywhere? oam+along+with+commercial+hotspot+system
9 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduroam Open your laptop and be online …anywhere! H2eduroam/How+to+deploy +and+promote+eduroam+for +events
10 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Building out eduroam – the basics In ternational International strategy & business case Offer Top Level Roaming Service (not essential) 1-2 VMs, open source radius Supporting services – e.g. In ternational International strategy & business case Offer Top Level Roaming Service (not essential) 1-2 VMs, open source radius Supporting services – e.g. National National strategy & business case National roaming infrastructure 1-2 VMs, free software Support and training Cookbooks available duroam/How+to+deploy+eduroa m+at+national+level National National strategy & business case National roaming infrastructure 1-2 VMs, free software Support and training Cookbooks available duroam/How+to+deploy+eduroa m+at+national+level Campus WIFI deployments Service Provider deployment User management Identity Provider deployment Cookbooks available duroam/How+to+deploy+eduroa m+on-site+or+on+campus Campus WIFI deployments Service Provider deployment User management Identity Provider deployment Cookbooks available duroam/How+to+deploy+eduroa m+on-site+or+on+campus People and Skills
11 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduGAIN Trust Across Borders eduGAIN Members Joining eduGAIN Other federations
12 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate eduGAIN – a global interfederation service MDS fetches, aggregates and republishes metadata eduGAIN provides policy framework to build trust MDS fetches, aggregates and republishes metadata eduGAIN provides policy framework to build trust
13 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate How do federations build trust? Register Member Sign Policy Register ‘Entities’ Verify Data Publish ‘Entities’ Sign Metadata PROCESS TRUST THAT’S IT.
14 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Federated Identity Benefits The world of eduGAIN Reduces Work Provides Current Data Insulation from service atromises Minimize attack surface area Minimize attack surface area User Friendly Simplifies Adding Services
15 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Federations The Power of Collective Trust Infrastructure to support collective service delivery E-Learning platforms Journals Cloud providers Infrastructure to maintain the privacy and integrity of users and citizens Users are not the product Infrastructure to reach out globally Bring users to global services Bring services to global users Infrastructure to support collective service delivery E-Learning platforms Journals Cloud providers Infrastructure to maintain the privacy and integrity of users and citizens Users are not the product Infrastructure to reach out globally Bring users to global services Bring services to global users Federation development eduGAIN & GÉANT Federation development eduGAIN & GÉANT
16 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Building out eduGAIN/Identity Federation – the basics National/International Develop & operate a federation policy 2/slides/Identity%20Federation%20Policy%20Te mplate%20v0.4.pdf Operate infrastructure 1-2 VMs, free software GÉANT FaaS model Support and training Campus & Service providers Join eduGAIN klist.php National/International Develop & operate a federation policy 2/slides/Identity%20Federation%20Policy%20Te mplate%20v0.4.pdf Operate infrastructure 1-2 VMs, free software GÉANT FaaS model Support and training Campus & Service providers Join eduGAIN klist.php Campus User management Identity Provider deployment Free software, shibboleth, simpleSAMLphp Support/require enabling services Library Services Campus services Health Journal providers Campus User management Identity Provider deployment Free software, shibboleth, simpleSAMLphp Support/require enabling services Library Services Campus services Health Journal providers Strategy, People and Skills
17 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Trust and Identity Voice of one and the voice of many I am because we are....Ubuntu is not just a philosophy – it is a way of life that defines the relationship of the individual to the community and vice versa … - F F Tusubira I am because we are....Ubuntu is not just a philosophy – it is a way of life that defines the relationship of the individual to the community and vice versa … - F F Tusubira