A brief history of attempt codes WA’s attempt code scheme was built for single test days mandated by the state (except HS writing) AYP Participation was built to treat not testing as participating by ‘generating a valid score of zero’ ◦Participation is defined as generating a valid score ◦Students earn a score by demonstrating ability ◦Not demonstrating ability cannot generate an estimate of ability ◦Therefore not testing is not participating There are only 2 federally approved exemptions: ◦“Medical Exempt” – must be approved at the state level ◦“NNEP” – CEDARS contains 1 st day of school in US and LEP status OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1
Attempt Codes: Rationale for changes It no longer matters why a student doesn’t participate (unless they are exempted), just that they don’t. “Excused Absent” is no longer relevant in a 12 week test window that includes makeup testing. Non-Participation (Excused and Unexcused absence, Refusal) all get lumped together in all data reporting. Absence is effectively ‘tacit refusal’. “Partially Enrolled” exemption – enters or exits during testing window – would be modified: ◦If student enrolls in the last 3 weeks of school, attempt is ‘PE’ and student is exempted based on date of enrollment. NNEP can be calculated (CEDARS element B32) ◦“one time exemption” so if student entered 12 months prior to the start of the testing window, the exemption would have been used in previous year OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2
Attempt Codes: What changes for the field? Most remaining attempt codes for non-tested students would be calculated by OSPI: ◦“Partially Enrolled” exemption – enters or exits during testing window – would be modified: ◦If student enrolls in the last 3 weeks of school, attempt is ‘PE’ and student is exempted based on date of enrollment. ◦NNEP can be calculated (CEDARS element B32) ◦“one time exemption” so if student entered 12 months prior to the start of the testing window, the exemption would have been used in previous year Medical Exemption is the ONLY attempt code requiring special handling ◦Process is the same – still reported to Assessment Operations for approval OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 3