DO NOW Mon, 10/05 1.Open your binder to your biology section. 2.Go to your notes from last week and write your summary! 3.On your bellringer sheet, under today’s date, copy the first 5 roots from the list in the back of your binder. Reminders: LAB FEE NOW! HW #5 due Fri! All made up work due tomorrow!!!
ROOM 342 We meet in the Computer Lab TOMORROW
Intro to Chemistry
What are we made of? Everything is made of matter Matter is found as elements Elements are organized on the Periodic Table Elements cannot be broken down in any simpler substances They are made of atoms
What is an atom? Smallest unit of matter! Everything is made of atoms.
Parts of an atom
Things to remember… Number of p + = number of e -
What makes atoms different? What makes an atom unique is the number of protons in nucleus We know what element the atom is if we know the # of p+ in nucleus How do we know the number of protons? we look on the periodic table!
How to read element info! Element Symbol Atomic Number (#p + ) Mass Number (#p + + #n 0 ) Note: #n 0 = Mass Number - Atomic number
So what does it look like?
Atom + Atom Two or more atoms = molecule Element + element = compound All compounds have a formula (like a recipe! H 2 0, NaCl! Mixture: not chemically combined, can be separated (rice and corn) Solution: chemically combined, cannot separate physically (coffee, juice)