Materials Periodic Table – 1 per student Exit ticket – 1 per student Electrolysis setup or video (1 L beaker, De-I water, sodium sulfate, 2 test tubes, 2 rubber stoppers, wooden splints, matches, alligator clamps, 9V batteries, electrodes, stripped wire) Hydrogen gas explosion setup (video) Chem Talk Handouts and/or textbooks – class set
Do Now Look at the drawing above. What do you see in the picture? What do you think the students are looking at?
Learning Objective I can differentiate between the structure of elements and compounds using demos, group discussion, reading and lecture. I can differentiate between the structure of elements and compounds using demos, group discussion, reading and lecture.
Homework In a short paragraph, summarize the difference between an element and a compound. Describe how the properties of the elements that make up a compound can be different from the properties of the compound itself. DUE: Thursday/Friday
Agenda Do Now Do Now Objective Objective Introduction to Matter Electrolysis of Water Demo Close Reading Close Reading Chem to Go Questions Chem to Go Questions Exit Ticket Exit Ticket
Introduction to Matter RECORD THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER!!!!! If it’s RED – write it! If it’s YELLOW – talk about it! If it’s PURPLE – read it!
Introduction to Matter o Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space THIS GOES IN THE VOCABULARY SECTION OF YOUR BINDER
List and/or draw 10 kinds of matter that you see around the classroom List and/or draw 10 kinds of matter that you see around the classroom Example: glass is the matter in the window Example: glass is the matter in the window THIS GOES IN THE NOTES SECTION OF YOUR BINDER
Think Pair Share Turn and talk to answer this question: Is the matter in the picture SIMPLE (made of one material) or COMPLEX (made of more than one material)? Why? What material(s) make it up? YELLOW = talk
Electrolysis of Water Materials that make up a substance are not obvious Materials that make up a substance are not obvious Ancient scientists thought water was an element (one substance), they hadn’t found a way to break it down Ancient scientists thought water was an element (one substance), they hadn’t found a way to break it down However, water can be broken down further However, water can be broken down further
Electrolysis of Water Today we’re going to break down water! But first… write down 3 properties of water that you observe. NOTES SECTION OF BINDER
Think Pair Share 1.What do you see happening to the water when Ms. B connects the battery? 2.Where are things happening? 3.Why do you think this is happening?
Quick Write 1.What gas do you think is contained in each test tube? (Hint: you’ve probably heard that water is H-2-O, written H 2 O)
Electrolysis of Water Now we have to wait while the water decomposes (breaks down) and gas collects in each test tube
Gold Light from the Sun Coffee Cooking Oil X-rays Carbon dioxide Energy Stars Love Ms. B Place a ✔ by which item you think consists of matter. While you Wait!
Matter = has mass and takes up space
Electrolysis of Water HA HA 1.What do you notice about the ratio of gases to one another? 2.How do the relative amounts of gas formed in the test tubes compare?
Wood Splint Test What happens when you put the wood splint in the first test tube? What happens when you put the wood splint in the second test tube? Why do you think this happens?
Hydrogen Gas Test I
Electrolysis of Water Test tube 1 = Hydrogen gas Test tube 2 = Oxygen gas The test tube with MORE gas is hydrogen (H). H2OH2OH2OH2O
Brain Break A#t=26
Close Reading SILENTLY, read the ‘Chem Talk’ handout for the next 10 minutes SILENTLY record the following definitions in the VOCABULARY section of your binder ElementCompound Chemical formula
Elements Element: any material that cannot be broken down into simpler materials.
Compound: a substance that consists of two or more elements bonded together in a definite proportion. Compounds
Chemical Formula Chemical Formula: the combination of the symbols in a definite numerical proportion used to represent molecules and compounds.
Conservation of Mass Matter can neither be destroyed or created in a chemical reaction
Chemical Equations The combination and decomposition of elements and compounds can be written in chemical equations Chemical equations must show conservation of mass
Chem Talk Review Discuss the following questions with a partner, and write your answers down in the notes section of your binder: 1.Explain the difference between an element and a compound 2.What information does a chemical formula of a compound provide?
Big Picture Matter is all the stuff in the universe and it can either be a compound or an element.
Chem Essential Questions Chemistry explains a macroscopic phenomenon (what you see) with a description of what happens at the nanoscopic level (atoms and molecules) using symbolic structures as a way to communicate
Complete the chart below in your notes section MACRONANOSYMBOLIC Describe what you observed (saw) during the decomposition of water (H 2 O) into hydrogen (H 2 ) and oxygen (O 2 ) gas In words, describe what happened to the water CHEMICALLY during the electrolysis demo. THINK!!!! Draw a picture that represents the decomposition of water (H 2 O) into hydrogen (H 2 ) and oxygen (O 2 ). Write the chemical formulas beneath your picture
Complete the chart below in your notes section MACRONANOSYMBOLIC There were bubbles forming at the electrodes (wires). Twice as much gas formed at one electrode than at the other electrode.
Complete the chart below in your notes section MACRONANOSYMBOLIC There were bubbles forming at the electrodes (wires). Twice as much gas formed at one electrode than at the other electrode. Water molecules are breaking apart into the simpler elements, oxygen and hydrogen gases.
Complete the chart below in your notes section MACRONANOSYMBOLIC There were bubbles forming at the electrodes (wires). Twice as much gas formed at one electrode than at the other electrode. Water molecules are breaking apart into the simpler elements, oxygen and hydrogen gases.
Exit Ticket SILENTLY Answer the questions on your exit ticket worksheet. SILENTLY turn in your exit ticket to the proper bin when you are finished
Meet the Elements M