Mr. Oosterhout
Physical Science covers the major principals of chemistry and physics. Chemistry (the study of matter and its changes) will be covered 1 st semester. Chemistry in the environment and physics (the study of motion, forces, and energy) will be taught 2 nd semester.
Students will understand the major principles of chemistry and physics Students will be life-long critical thinkers in science Students will pass the FCAT science exam
1. All students will come to class on-time and prepared to learn. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Bring a pen, pencil, calculator and paper. People who bring nothing to class and leave with nothing will most likely fail the class.
1. Students will respect the rights of others to learn and teach in a safe and non-distracting environment. Only one speaker at a time. Listen to the speaker. Raise your hand to be heard.
1. Students will follow directions and participate in the class lesson on a daily basis. No sleeping No Horseplay Do my work, not other classes work. 2. Leave the classroom as neat as you found it. Put books and lab equipment back were you found them. Do not write on the desks. (Punishment and fine.) Do not carelessly handle the equipment.
Follow all school polices ◦ No cell phones or other electronic devices ◦ Follow dress code. ◦ You must have a planner and ID to get a pass ◦ No passes the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class.
1. Student-Teacher Conference 2. Phone call home. 3. Referral to the guidance or student affairs. 4. Conference with parent and student. 5. Possible removal from the class.
Students must bring a pencil, pen (blue or black ink), calculator and a notebook to class. Students must store work in a 3-ring binder that will be collected periodically. Students must have a planner and student ID to get a pass from class.
A: %B:89-80%C:79-70% D: 69-60%F:59-0% 40% Test and Quizzes 40% Labs, Class work, and Homework 20% Notebook and Participation
Store all coursework in a three-ring binder. Divide your work into three categories ◦ Notes and ungraded work ◦ Graded work ◦ Tests and quizzes. You must have a table of contents. Notebooks will be collected twice a quarter. Spot checks of notebooks may happen.