The Virginia colony Briana Farias
The lost colony England saw that the spain had became wealthy so they waned to share wealth with Spain Like many of its Eurpeon neighbors England wanted to set up colines around the world In 1585, Queen Eillizbeth told Walter to build a colony in north americans What happen to the settle remajms a mystery
The colony con’t They ran low on food and when another ship arrived all the settlers left Some historians think they went to live with Indians on crocktan Island Other beileve
Jamestown each owner had stock or share ownership in the Virginia company They tried to make a profit because each owner would make money The colonist often stole the powhatans crops During this time, both groups cooperate by trading goods These thefts led to fighting, during which both sides would capture people
Jamestown con’t Chief powhatan ordered smith to be killed, but the chief daughter pocahantas saved his life The colonist were soon busy planting gardens,building shelters and putting up palisocles to protect Jamestown from Iidianas attack
Growth and change Famers grew tobacco on plantations that spread around Jamestown In 1619 the first Africans dived in Jamestown Historians did not know workers were treated like slaves More Africans were brought to the colony and force to work as slaves