Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 2 Programme Performance IndicatorsBudgetWhere Animal improvement schemes for prioritized value chain commodities monitored (Kaonafatso ya dikgomo) and poultry) R All provinces Primary Animal Health Care Programme implemented and clinics delivered to provinces Compulsory Community Service Programme implemented Implement regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions to prevent plant and animal pest and disease outbreaks R All provinces CONFIDENTIAL
Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 3 Programme Performance IndicatorsBudgetWhere Monitor Improvement schemes of plant legislated certification for prioritised value chain commodities R All provinces Planned plant disease and pest risk surveillance conducted to detect, prevent and mitigate plant diseases and pests Conserve indigenous/ endangered agricultural genetic resources in situ and ex situ Northern Cape: Namaqua sheep and indigenous goats Mpumalanga: Landrace crops CONFIDENTIAL
Food Security and Agrarian Reform 4 Programme Performance IndicatorsBudgetWhere Food Security and Nutrition Policy implemented R All nine provinces Norms and standards for comprehensive producer development support developed and implemented National Education and Training Strategy reviewed and implemented R All provinces National Extension and Advisory Policy approved and implemented CONFIDENTIAL
CASP Business Plan 2014/15 Grant OutcomesOutput IndicatorsTargetECFSGPKZNLPMPNCNWWC Broaden access to agricultural support for subsistence, smallholder and previously disadvantaged commercial farmers Number of subsistence farmers receiving support √√√√√√√√√ Number of smallholder farmers receiving support √√√√√√√√√ Number of commercial farmers receiving support 2 000√√√√√√√√√ Improved household and national food security Hectares of land ploughed and planted98 585√√√√√√√√√ Improved farming efficiency Number of black farmers trained21 724√√√√√√√√√ Number of black farmers mentored3 033√√√√√√√√√ Number of extension officers recruited353√√√√√√√√√ Number of extension officers upgrading their qualifications 784√√√√√√√√√ Number of personnel to receive ICT infrastructure and other resources 2 735√√√√√√√√√ Increased wealth creation and sustainable employment in rural areas Number of sustainable job opportunities created √√√√√√√√√ Increased access to markets by beneficiaries of CASP Number of farmers accessing market both locally and internationally √√√√√√√√√ Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) Implemented Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) implemented in all provinces 8√√√√√√√√√ Flood Disaster Relief Number of farmers affected by flood disaster supported with production inputs 359√√√ √√√√√ Colleges of agriculture revitalized Number of colleges revitalized11√√ √√√ √√ 5 CONFIDENTIAL
Ilima/Letsema business Plan 2014/15 Grant OutcomeOutput IndicatorTargetECFSGPKZNLPMPNCNWWC Increased agricultural production at both household and national level Hectares ploughed and planted √√√√√√√√√ Number of subsistence farmers supported with production inputs and mechanization √√√√√√√√√ Number of smallholder farmers supported with production inputs and mechanization √√√√√√√√√ Number of commercial farmers supported 1 490√√√√√√√ √ Number of households supported with inputs for vegetable gardens √√√√√√√√√ Number of community gardens established √√ √ √ Number of school gardens established19 √√ √ √ Maximised job opportunitiesNumber of job opportunities created36 127√√√√√√√√√ Increased farming efficiencyNumber of projects supported427√√√√√√√√√ Revitalization of irrigation schemes Number of irrigation schemes expanded and revitalized 11 √ √ 6 CONFIDENTIAL
Fetsa Tlala Plan 2014/15 ProvinceAllocation R'000Hectares planned Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Total CONFIDENTIAL
Economic Development, Trade and Marketing 8 Programme Performance Indicators BudgetWhere Number of producers linked to markets R56 261All provinces Value-chain networks institutionalised Provide marketing and enterprise development and support measures to producers and cooperatives R All provinces CONFIDENTIAL
Forestry and Natural Resources Management 9 Programme Performance IndicatorsBudgetWhere Planting temporarily unplanted areas of the Department’s plantations R Eastern Cape Kwazulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Develop Irrigation Strategy to rehabilitate hactares of smallholder government irrigation schemes (Addressed in the Ilima/Letsema grant allocation) Northern Cape Kwazulu Natal Rehabilitate hectares of state Indigenous woodlands and forests R Eastern Cape Kwazulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Implement Climate change programme to ensure adaptation of the sector All nine provinces CONFIDENTIAL
Fisheries Management 10 Programme Performance Indicators BudgetWhere Support fish farms R32 373Free State North West Aquaculture Bill developed Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP) Framework approved and implemented R18 648All provinces Small-scale fisheries policy implemented CONFIDENTIAL
Fisheries Management cont. 11 Programme Performance Indicators BudgetWhere Support fish farms for increased production and productivity R In All Provinces Recovery of prioritized depleted fish stocks R53 587Coastal regions Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) implemented R69 772Coastal regions Small-scale fisheries policy Implemented R18 648Coastal regions CONFIDENTIAL
Thank you !!! 12 CONFIDENTIAL