Mesoamerican Academic Vocabulary
Ceremonial Centers Ceremonial Centers- Areas where people would gather for religious ceremonies.
Glyphs Glyphs- a type of hieroglyphics where picture-symbols represent objects, ideas, and sounds.
Conquistador Conquistador- powerful soldiers on a mission to gain wealth and territory for the nation of Spain by conquering other peoples. (Spanish Conquerors)
Cenotes Cenotes- deep, natural wells that the Mayans built their cities near because of the lack of rivers in the region.
Terrace Farming Terrace Farming-a method of growing crops on the sides of hills or mountains. To do this, people grade the steep land into a series of level terraces or benches.
Slash and Burn Farming Slash and Burn Farming- Mayan’s would cut and burn part of the rain forest to provide land for growing crops. This was only good for up to 3 years and then the fields were left fallow (unplanted) to rejuvenate.
Intercropping Intercropping – planting different crops together.
Chinampas Chinampas – human-made islands made from natural materials. The Aztecs used these “floating gardens” to plant vegetables.
Causeway Causeway – a human-made land bridge.
Mesoamerica The region that includes central and southern Mexico and Central America; also called Middle America