Lily Anne She can find water from far away places She takes care of the horses. She is as fast as light.
There is a town that everyone lives in. With a tavern and a few shops. The houses are close together. Lily Anne has lived there since she was born. She spent all of her childhood there.
Her town is having a drought and she is the only one who can get water. The problem is she is not strong enough to carry the water. So she took a bucket as big as she could stand and went off. She needed to sleep after she got to the river because of the energy she used to get there, but she had no good shelter so she had to sleep with only a bush to block some of the wind.
By the time she got back to the town and one family drank from it she needed to go back to the river and she did that till the end of the drought, luckily she like speeding trough the desert.
Microsoft Clip Art town