Presentation for at home introduction to EDUC 490 – Capstone Class By K. Miller
Syllabus Website Class schedule IWS Dimension #1
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Website Class schedule IWS Dimension #1
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IWS Dimension #1
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Why is it important to for you to know “Stuff” about your students? What kinds of “Stuff” do you think would be beneficial to know? How can you find this information out? Create an Interest Inventory you can give to your students. Look at the sample D1 and in small groups lets use the rubric and the information we have to grade some.
Interest Inventory - You should inventory your students and ask them many questions….. Use the latest copy of your school’s report card. Work on Dimension #1. Bring 2 copies of your draft and 2 copies of the Rubric for peer editing. Check on line for the rubric, directions, Cont. Factors table and a handout that might help you with Cont. Factors table.