1 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Advanced Turbulence Modeling for engine applications Chan Hee Son University of Wisconsin, Engine Research Center Advisor: Professor Christopher J. Rutland Sponsor: General Motors
2 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Motivation Linear k- model widely used, but compromise between expense and accuracy Inherently unable to account for secondary flows Poor predictions for separated or curved streamline flows Non-linear models Able to predict secondary flow of the second kind Numerical instability leads to excessive computational expense Wallin-Johansson's explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model as a representative case v 2 -f model Two turbulence scales are used More accurate representation of the physics (eddy viscosity) close to the wall Very good performance in flow separation regions
3 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Model formulation Turbulence governing equations of v 2 - f
4 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Sandia National Lab Optical engine Specifications Bore – 79.5mm, Stroke – 85.0 mm C R = 18.7 1500 RPM R S = 1.5 ~ 3.5 Cold flow (no spray or combustion) Measurement locations 3 clusters of 5 points located in a vertical plane bisecting the exhaust valves The 3 center points are at r= 13.6 mm with all neighboring measurement points being 1mm away.
5 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Radial and tangential 5 ATDC with swirl ratio 3.5 v 2 -fW-J
6 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab TKE history for case with swirl ratio = 3.5
7 GMUWCollaborative Research Lab Conclusion For the Sandia National lab optical engine simulation, W-J eARSM does not show any improvement for the mean flow. Even the k- model is better. For the Sandia National lab optical engine simulation, W-J eARSM does not show any improvement for the mean flow. Even the k- model is better. Potential reason: the W-J ARSM is originally derived for 2D flow. 3D version is quartic order. Thus, too complex for practical use. l Increased levels of turbulence is predicted by the WJ model. At swirl ratio 2.5 and 3.5, TKE prediction over time is very similar to k- model in trend, but about 50% higher in turbulence level. This is not due to the ability of this model to capture turbulence anisotropy, as the trend is almost exactly the same as k- t high swirl anisotropy increases. l The v 2 -f model consistently shows improved results. Still it fails to catch the trends of the experimental turbulent kinetic energy results.