Book Display Widgets from Dawn Kovacs, Wheaton Public Library
Wheaton Public Library City library in Wheaton, Illinois Population served: 53,648 Circulation: 1,193,101 Collections: 320,000 books; 50,000 AV items Innovative Millennium & WebOPAC Use Book Display Widgets on our website
Library Thing for Libraries Library Thing is an online service for cataloging personal book collections and sharing reviews LTFL has resources for libraries: Similar Books, Book Psychic, Stack Map, Book Display Widgets Library Anywhere mobile catalog Affordable
Carousel Bookshelves @ WPL Fiction Books DVDs Clicking on a title in the carousel opens the catalog record in a new window.
Widgets @ WPL Setup is easier for books Doesn’t require a custom URL for jacket/content Can include pop-up window with jacket, summary and link to catalog; that info is not available for movies The majority of WPL’s widgets are for DVDs We use a custom URL to Content Café for jacket We eliminate the pop-up window for all widgets to make them consistent The WPL example is for a DVD widget
4 Types of Book Display Widgets Dynamic Grid Carousel 3-DCarousel Scrolling
Widget Setup/Update To Setup Widgets To Update Widgets List of ISBNs or UPCs URL for jackets from another source (Content Café) URL for searching ISBN/UPC in your catalog Ability to add javascript to your web page Test look of display To Update Widgets New ISBNs or UPCs Enter manually or copy a list
Example of a DVD widget on WPL’s Library Thing for Libraries website
ISBNs or UPCs Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly
Dynamic Grid Carousel Scrolling 3-D Carousel Use for AV jackets; book jackets are part of Library Thing Describes popup window. We link directly to catalog instead since no detail is available for AV items Random, Title, Author, Date Lots of testing necessary to get the widget just right Customization: Custom HTML to output / Set height and width in pixels / Custom CSS
Camera icon allows you to capture a picture of the widget Catalog search Scrolling widgets: number of items to scroll, time between scrolls 10-100, make it match total number of ISBNs or UPCs
Any change you make to the widget displays here before it’s live. It becomes live after it is saved.
Save settings to make it live Save settings to make it live. No need to touch the website – just refresh the web page that has the widget to see the changes. Copy this code to the web page to display the widget Javascript needed to display the widget. Our web designer added this to all pages so we can add widgets anywhere. Picture of widget for social media posts
Screenshot of widgets Screenshot of code on our website for those widgets
Updating Widgets Manually enter ISBNs or UPCs separated by commas into the box on the LTFL website. Copy list from Excel into the box Export a list of ISBNs or UPCs into Excel (column A) Add a comma in each row of column B Copy columns A and B then paste them into the box They will be in a column list not across, but that’s OK
Book Display Widgets @ WPL Browse – Books Browse – Movies & TV Nonfiction Films Foreign Language Films Browse – Music Children – Books Teens – Reading Lists Dawn Kovacs