Guess the word (adj.) very excitable or sensitive, worried
Guess the word (n.) a person who is unpractical or idealistic, a person who lives in or escapes to a world of fantasy or illusion
Guess the phrase to excite the curiosity or attention of (someone), when you want to learn or hear more about smth or smb
Guess the phrase a pair of glass doors which you go through into a garden or onto a balcony
Guess the word (adv.) to do smth in a cheerful or light- hearted way
Guess the word (n.) a sudden collapse in someone's mental health; you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life
Guess the phrase a piece of paper given by one person to another, as an introduction to a third party
Guess the word (adj.) mentally ill; insane; Someone who has a mind that does not work in a normal way
Guess the word (adj.) unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain; Something that is unusual or unexpected, and makes you feel slightly nervous or afraid