Falsifying Generalized Wiener Processes Melvin J. Hinich Applied Research Laboratories University of Texas at Austin
The Black-Scholes-Merton model is a central tool for pricing & hedging options & other derivatives securities. Black-Scholes Model At present the derivatives business has become a more than 415 trillion US$ market. It has been implicated in the present world wide financial crisis. (portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/portfolio/2008/02/19/) Wiener process The model employs a Wiener process
Generalized Wiener process (GWP) bandlimited filter non-gaussian i.i.d variates fixed sampling rate
Bandlimited Filter Nyquist sampling rate
linear The generalized Wiener process (GWP) is linear time reversible It is time reversible since the distribution of is the same as the distribution of
The Trispectrum The principal domain of the trispectrum in the cube of indices where
Normalized trispectrum is the spectrum of For the linear process GWP
Trispectrum Based Tests of Linearity & Time Reversibility The trispectrum version of the Hinich-Rothman (1998) time reversibility test & the Hinich (1982) linearity test can be used falsify the validity of the GWP model. DFT
Estimating the Trispectrum Estimated normalized trispectrum
Testing Linearity of a GWP Under this null hypothesis that the observed values of are generated by a GWP when 0 < c < 1/3 has a uniform (0,1) distribution Then
Testing Time Reversibility of a GWP has a uniform (0,1) distribution
Statistics of the 4 NYSE Returns MeanSigmaSkewKurtosisMaxMin BIR EOG FE IMN
MeanSigmaSkewKurtosisMaxMin AGL -0.17E AMC -0.45E ANZ 0.16E BHP 0.24E BIL 0.16E WOW 0.30E SGB 0.16E QBE -0.20E FXJ -0.49E PBL 0.14E CML 0.35E CCL 0.72E Statistics after 10% Trimming of the Australian Returns
Nonlinearity Test for NYSE Returns 73 Trifreqs Stocksp-values < % p-values < % p-values < BIR %37.0 % EOG %28.8 % FE %16.4 % IMN %0.0 %
Stocksp-v’s < 3. e-04 % p-v’s < 3.e-04% p-v’s < e-05 AGL %49.5 % AMC %52.3 % ANZ %10.5 % BHP %11.0 % BIL %54.7 % WOW %42.9 % SGB %46.4 % QBE %47.1 % FXJ %67.2 % PBL %53.3 % CML %45.7 % CCL %61.5 % Nonlinearity Test Results for AU Returns 2,920 Trifreqs
Time Reversibility Test Results All TR p-values are < e-05