March 2003Episodic Metagames & MMOGs Is There Intelligent Life Beyond Massively Multiplayer for Online Games Larry Dunlap founder, Intelligent Life Games
Where did all these MMOGs Come From?
The path of a persistent world game The literary fantasy element! A touch of Tolkein – the literary Fantasy element
The path of a persistent world game Fantasy Role-playing begins! A touch of Tolkein - Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave Dungeons & Dragons – Defining role-play Leveling
The path of a persistent world game Medieval Swords & Sorcery! A touch of Tolkein - Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave Dungeons & Dragons – Defining role-play, Leveling Swords & Sorcery – Farfd & the Grey Mouser
The path of a persistent world game Text adventuring begins! A touch of Tolkein – The literary Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave
The path of a persistent world game Interactive Text Adventuring! A touch of Tolkein - Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave Dungeons & Dragons – Defining role-play, Leveling Swords & Sorcery – Farfd & the Grey Mouser ZORK – The Adventure continues
The path of a persistent world game Graphic adventuring success! A touch of Tolkein - Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave Dungeons & Dragons – Defining role-play, Leveling Swords & Sorcery – Farfd & the Grey Mouser ZORK – The Adventure continues Ultima I - IX
The path of a persistent world game Text adventuring begins! A touch of Tolkein - Fantasy element ADVENTURE! – Colossal Cave Dungeons & Dragons – Defining role-play, Leveling Swords & Sorcery – Farfd & the Grey Mouser ZORK – The Adventure continues Ultima I - IX Persistence, the Never-ending game & MUD, the Multi-user Dungeon
The Birth of the Realtime Persistent World MMORPG
And Now For Something Completely Different!
The path to an Episodic Metagame Birth of the Wargame The Foundation Trilogy The wargame – Sun Tzu, the Prussians & HG Wells
The path to an Episodic Metagame The Literary Inspiration! The Foundation Trilogy
The path to an Episodic Metagame The game beyond the game! The Foundation Trilogy The wargame – Sun Tzu, & the sand table The Metagame – Diplomacy Monopoly Poker
The path to an Episodic Metagame The Finite Galactic Empire Game! The Foundation Trilogy The wargame – Sun Tzu, & the sand table The Metagame – Diplomacy, board games MegaWars III Massively Multiplayer
The path to an Episodic Metagame A New Character Definition! The Foundation Trilogy The wargame – Sun Tzu, & the sand table The Metagame – Diplomacy, board games MegaWars III – Massively Multiplayer Starweb, PBM Layered Characters
The path to an Episodic Metagame The Internet Environment! The Foundation Trilogy The wargame – Sun Tzu, & the sand table The Metagame – Diplomacy, board games MegaWars III – Massively Multiplayer Starweb, PBM – Layered Characters Internet Communications - , Instant Messenger,
The Episodic Metagame
The Questions! Does an online game have to be infinitely persistent to be immersive? Does an online game have to be Massively Multi-player to be immersive? Does role-playing have to be done by D&D definition?
Request Game – Game Queue
The Characters
The Baron The Philosopher The Raider The Trader The Terminator The Warlord The Houri
A Different kind of Role- playing
The Starmap
The War Room
The Artifacts
What does an EM have in common with the MMOG? Community Communications The Metagame Persistence
How are EM & MMOGs different? Communications embedded in Internet Anticipation & Suspense as game emotions The Myth of “Real Time” The Metagame – Publisher supported Why 16 Players are more than enough Literacy
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