By: Kaleigh, Joelle,and Colin
Mostly flat plains Rich black soil good for farming- makes abundant crops Longer growing season than the rest of Russia Temperature is moderate Found in the southwestern Russia Many small animals
Bad aspects about the steppe climate When there is not a lot of rain the wheat crops fail It is not a good hunting area because of small animals You cannot predict if they will have a rainy or dry year So farmers will have trouble choosing what crops to plant
Vast and rolling treeless plains Only a top few inches of ground thaw out in the summer The permanently frozen layers of soil are called permafrost The tundra covers 40 percent of Russia The tundra climate is located in northern Russia ( Siberia )
Biggest climate zone in Russia Few people live in subarctic because it has very cold and bitter winters Temperatures only rise above freezing in the summers Located mostly everywhere in Russia except for Southwestern Russia
S Inland Europe, Asia or North America have this climate Long, cold, and snowy winters-things freeze, short growing season Short but very hot summers Large grasslands and deciduous trees
The bad things about the climate in Russia and how the Russian people adjust to it In some regions they have permafrost ( permanently frozen ground) No part of the country has a year round growing season Russia has very severe winters which limits travel during the winter So, buildings are built on pilings and their machinery must be made with special steel So, they must be very careful with the crops they choose to grow So they build reliable transportation systems
How the climate has helped Russia in history Russians have used their harsh winters to make their enemies retreat from invading them In one situation the French tried to invade them and the Russians led them into Moscow leaving them with no supplies Another time the German army tried invading Russia. They were in sight of Moscow when winter hit. Everything froze (including them) and they retreated
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