Colombia World hunger
How many people are hungry Colombia is the third most populated Latin country. There is an estimated 44 million people living there 76% living in urban areas. About 21 million people are poor and about 6 million are living in poverty areas.
What are the damages Over the 50 years that Colombia has been hungry it has stop economic growth. This threatens buildings that they need and makes populations move from where they live. It is one of the top IDP, internally displaced population the world. The monthly income of an average Colombian is about 63 USD a month. people spend an average of 58 percent of money on food and another 6 percent on health
If problems are not solved If people in Colombia can not generate the right amount of income they will be forced to shut down schools and withdraw children from learning. It will also create a shortage of food that the people need to be nourished and cut down on eating food for the days in the future.
How we are helping The Red Cross and the WFP are trying to donate food to poor and under nourished countries. To make funding to in prove schools infrastructures and to make the world a better place.