Stimulating the Learning Organ
How People Learn The Learning Organ
James Zull Our Training Must be Based on Research
Apply This Research to Your Training Think of something you teach Check it against these brain-based learning ideas
Brains are Designed for Survival Survival Reproduction DataInformation It feels good Action Scan the environment
It’s the Same for Learning We only pay attention to what we perceive as useful to us DataInformationAction Scan the environment Learning must be authentic and realistic Inspire your students!
Brain-Based Learning Principles There is no other sort! The brain is the learning organ Each brain is unique and complex Everyone will learn in their own way It’s physical - neurons need to connect to existing neurons Need to build on something known Concrete examples are best Disconnecting neurons is difficult It’s hard to undo a wrong concept
Brain Research Tells us How People Learn All learning is brain-based. There is no other sort of learning! Each brain is unique Everyone will learn in their own way Neurons need to connect to existing neurons Need to build on something known Concrete examples are best Disconnecting neurons is difficult It’s hard to undo a wrong concept (Constructivist theory)
Information = Understanding
Remember these! Important Brain Locations Nucleus basali Amygdala Septum Globus pallidus Hypothalamus Nucleus accumbus Chemicals Acetylcholine Dopamine Enkephalins Endorphins Adrenaline
All learning involves emotions and feelings We are social animals Multiply 67 x47 = 3049 = 3149
Surface (shallow) Learners Exam Time Pass mark Learning Deep Learners
Motivation Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic (internal) Authentic, realistic training and assessment
The Learning Cycle Sense SenseIntegrateAct
Sense SenseIntegrateAct Preferred Data observations, facts ideas, concepts Preferred Sense visual verbal Preferred Organisation inductive / constructivist never deductive Preferred Action physical reflective How we gain understanding sequential global No engagement = no input = no learning! No action = no learning! This Fits Nicely with the Felder Model
SenseIntegrateAct Preferred Data observations, facts ideas, concepts Preferred Sense visual verbal Preferred Action physical reflective How we gain understanding sequential global No engagement = no input = no learning! Visual Verbal Intrapersonal Interpersonal Maths-logic Physical Nature Music No action = no learning! and Fits Nicely with Multiple Intelligences
and with Kolb’s Learning Circle Model Abstract hypothesis SenseIntegrateAct Active testing Reflective observation Concrete experience
This Doesn’t Work. Don’t Do It
Learning Requires Engagement and Action Tell the person next to you one thing from this session that you could apply to improve your teaching