UGM 2014 What’s ‘old’ in TIME but under utilized? (Financial)
Older features in TIME - Financial Claim Follow-up Notes Financial Alerts Claims Processing Frequency Small Balance Write-off
Claim Follow-up Notes
Claim Follow-up Notes – Benefits Provides an area in TIME to enter current actions taken or note future action reminders. Specific tracking by claim rather than by patient. Allow other users to find information easily. Can be reported on - Primary Insurance Log Report, Aging Report, Tickler Report, May be included in Financial Alerts
Claim Follow-up Notes
Claim Follow-up Notes – Reporting
Claim Follow-up Indicators
Claim Follow-up Notes Resources On-line Help in TIME is available for more Information on how to use Claim Follow-up notes.
Financial Alerts
Financial Alert Benefits Provides notification of actions needed on specific patient accounts and claims. Saves staff time Increases revenue Managers can review all alerts –open and complete.
Available Alerts Claims not filed in a timely fashion Claim unpaid and nearing carrier filing limit Claims without payment by responsible insurer Insurance policy change Insurance policy nearing expiration date Pre Authorization about to expire Referral Numbers about to expire Open Follow-up Notes about to expire Open Ticklers about to expire
Assignment Rules May activate each alert individually. May assign alerts to a specific user and for some alerts assign different users based upon Office, Facility, Degree, Pay Class, or Insurer Option to open alerts screen upon login if user has open alerts.
Financial Alert Viewer
Financial Alert and Quick Maint Screen
Financial Alerts Review Overnight process confirms actions documented are taken – If completed, closes alert – If not complete, will re-alert Managers can view any alerts for a selected date range both open and closed
Financial Alerts Resources Training Webinar “Financial Alerts Configuration and Usage” is available on the Infian Client Portal On-line Help in TIME is available for more information on setup of the Financial Alert Codes (configuration) and use of the Financial Alerts application
Claims Processing Frequency
Claims Processing Frequency Benefits Provides ability to submit non-Medicare dialysis claims more than once a month. Receive payments more frequently throughout the month to improve cash flow. Configurable, can set different processing schedule per insurer – weekly, bi-monthly, etc. System will create claim records based upon primary insurer’s processing frequency.
Claims Processing Frequency Configuration
Batch Insurance Processing
Claims Processing Frequency Resources On-line Help in TIME is available for more information regarding Claims Processing Frequency Training Webinar “Multiple Claims per Month” is available on the Infian Client Portal
Small Balance Write-off
Small Balance Write-Off Benefits Eliminates additional staff time on unnecessary follow-up Automates process to write-off user defined claim balances. Configurable – user may select different pay classes, adjustment code and max claim balance to use for each batch created. Creates temporary file to review before adding actual adjustment transactions.
Small Balance Write-Off Process
Small Balance Write-off Report
Small Balance Write-Off Resources On-line Help in TIME is available for the two processes involved with the Small Balance Write-off application: – Create Write-off Trx – Apply/Delete Write-Off Trx
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